Sunday, August 29, 2010

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Patch 1.1 - The changes to the announced first patch

coming soon the first patch by Blizzard. Here are the changes from the official site:

balance changes

Wir haben mehrere Balance-Änderungen geplant. Eine allgemeine Änderung ist, dass freundliche Einheiten keine Sicht mehr gewähren nachdem sie getötet wurden. Außerdem werden bereits entdeckte feindliche Einheiten nicht mehr anvisiert werden können. Und nun ein Überblick über die anderen Änderungen, die wir implementieren werden.


Wir werden zerstörbares Geröll zur Karte „Wüstenoase“ hinzufügen, damit die natürlichen Expansionen leichter verteidigt werden können. Außerdem wird das Gebiet der zentralen Feldwarte verengt.


Wir werden zwei bedeutende Änderungen an Beserkern make: their construction period of 33 to 38 seconds and the cooldown of the warp gate is extended from 23 to 28 seconds. Slayer Rushes are currently too powerful, especially those based on a fast attack by Proxy Gateways. This applies to players at different skill levels. We believe that the time window is too small to detect in which players such tactics and to defend against. We also want to take care of the problem so that Protoss can use their minerals through a combination of time warp gate and loop too fast.


We are working on several changes for the Terrans. Rächer sind gegen Zerg stärker als erwartet. Wegen der erhöhten Bauzeit für Berserker wären Rächer auch gegen Protoss problematisch, in Kombination mit „Proxy“-Kasernen, Bunkern und/oder Marodeuren. Deswegen haben wir beschlossen, die Bauzeit von Rächern ebenfalls zu erhöhen, nämlich von 40 auf 45 Sekunden. Rushes mit schnellen Rächern und Bunkern oder schnellen Marines und Bunkern sind problematisch gegen Zerg. Obwohl ein solcher Rush den Zergspieler niemals komplett zerstören wird, finden wir, dass Zerg einen zu großen Nachteil hinnehmen müssen, wenn sie entweder ihre frühe Expansion abbrechen müssen oder für zu lange in ihrer Basis eingesperrt werden. Deswegen erhöhen wir the construction of bunkers also from 30 to 35 seconds.

siege tanks in large numbers against any opponent to beat well. In the mid to late game siege tanks to all ground units are too dominant. We want a small group of lightly-armored ground units, or not at all against siege tanks proposes better. For this reason, we change the prejudice of siege tanks in siege mode from 50 to 35, +15 armored. Fits to damage upgrades are changed from +5 to +3 and +2 armored. This change reduces the base damage from siege tanks against lightly armored, not armored units and also reduces surface damage.

are for heavy cruiser is currently no good counter units on the ground while they fight very well in the fight against most other air units. We are aware that due to the costs are not easy to bring heavy cruiser into play. At the same time it is both in 1vs1 as possible in team matches, in situations of stalemate and produce heavy cruiser. Overall, we believe that heavy cruiser in relation to their price are too strong, and ensure that deliberately induced stalemate for a less exciting game experience. Therefore, we reduce their damage against ground units from 10 to 8


Der Schaden von Ultralisken wird von 15, +25 gegen Gepanzert, auf 15, +20 gegen Gepanzert, gesenkt. Diese Verringerung ist vergleichbar mit den Änderungen an schweren Kreuzern und Belagerungspanzern. Ähnlich den schweren Kreuzern sind Ultralisken, gemessen an ihrem Preis, schlichtweg zu mächtig, obwohl sie schwer herzustellen sind. Außerdem sind Ultralisken auf dem Boden sehr schwer zu kontern, wenn sie in Kombination mit anderen Einheiten eingesetzt werden. Der Angriff der Ultralisken gegen Gebäude (Rammen) wird entfernt, weil die Schadensmenge dem normalen Angriff zu ähnlich ist, der in Zukunft gegen Gebäude genutzt wird. Wenn Ultralisken dicht gepackte, kleinere Gebäude, wie zum Beispiel Versorgungsdepots, angreifen, caused the attack was "driving" even significantly less total damage than the normal attack, because "driving" affects only a single target.


reap Above all, the Terrans-change agreement. Whether all this really makes balance changes for the better is still to come.

A question remains however: what is to come with the promised great community features that should (such as chat channels, clan support etc)?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Gift Wrapping Dispenser

first project in the beta: the Youtube Channel

The fix was: hardly planned, he was quickly implemented, the CSA-Youtube Channel.

to find he be cast from this link

movies with tactics, Matches the clan members and internal tournament matches.

The road was not easy at first bleated Youtube with the naming, then was searched with confusion, a program to compress the video and finally to read the first video upload. But now the first video is in the channel and is ready to be clicked.

I look forward to all visitors! And makes diligent advertising for me, as soon as enough videos were geuploaded;)

Send me wieterhin replays, then the channel will soon fulfill its meaning.

Thanks for support!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fertile Mucus During Period

New projects in the wings: the clan league and the YouTube channel

Time passes slowly, but the clan does not cease to evolve rapidly. This is demonstrated by two new major projects that are started by the members.

The first is the internal clan league, a system similar to the Bundesliga, in the player after a game plan a week end up against each other games, the results in a table and in the end the best player for sure.
The idea came a few weeks ago RandallFlagg, but the CSA had concerns about the learning organization, as the idea was discarded. Recently, however, turned on Exequtor, a newcomer to the clan, and insisted on planning the league. According to him it will be a snap because he already organized for his university regular parties etc. The majority of the clan is enthusiastic about the proposed league, and many have enrolled in the forum in a thread. We are excited when the league starts.

The second project is from Alt F Fear. He plans to open a YouTube channel for the clan and clan members Casten games. Above all tournament games will be cast, so that members who miss the finals, they can still see. Alt F Fear shoutcastet already live tournament games of the clan and receives approval from the community for the idea. From now on, he can replay will be sent to land, perhaps even on Youtube. Alt F Fear knows that most people probably will not care what drives [CSA] like that, but for the clan, it is a valuable addition.
He also expressed his league in cooperation with Exequtor to group such as the Games of the week here on the blog to post current data.

Stay tuned!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Prevalence Of Lactose Intolerance In Canada

[CSA] 1on1-random-tournament: JustforFun gets the victory

The fourth 1on1 tournament was under a special star, for it was a race only authorized to Random. This caused a fun battle and the anxious wait, what race you do and get the enemy, but of course, everybody got his final ever race hatred. It was played by default best of 3 with 14 participants. The victory went to Justforfun, who won the tournament in a thrilling final against Kinks. Here the tournament include:

Match 1
KinK vs JamesRaynor
Match 2
RyanCid vs KhaosX
Match 3
Matong vs Thosh
Match 4
Mainboss vs Nova
Match 5
JustForFun vs Altffear
Match 6
McGollum vs. Stoneman
Match 7
Oracle vs. Bloodguard
Match 8
Thantus vs Sun

Viertelfinale 1
Kink vs RyanCid
Vf 2
Thosh vs New
Vf 3
JustForFun vs. Stoneman
Vf 4
sun free win

Kink vs Thosh
HF 2
Justforfun vs Sunce

KinK vs Justforfun

The final was again a peculiarity: there were three Mirror-matches. The first TvT, then Zvz and was last TvT again. KinK won the first round after both attempted a Reaper Rush, fended off both him and kinks in the end with Siege tanks were placed with the units of Justfor outmaneuvered. In the second round Justfor provided with a fast Zerglingrush to an abrupt end by Kinks Base. In the last game used Justfor the back door of the Map "ashes to ashes" and overran the surprised KinK with mass Maurodeuren. Sun at 23:28 was the winner of the tournament.

Stone flew this time, to the surprise of many, in the second round against Justfor from the tournament, although he was back as a favorite and had Justfor fear before the match.

Overall it was an exciting tournament, all participants had fun and Ts in the devil was going on. We look forward to other tournaments that are run like well exciting!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How Do You Tell If U Have Cancer In Ur Ear

Current Discussion: Is Terra overpowered?

Seit Release hängt diese Frage über der SC2 Community wie ein Damokles-Schwert. In fast jedem Forum entstehen am laufenden Band Threads wie "I Win Race" oder Terra OP. Meistens handelt es sich dabei um Whinethreads mit Halbwahrheiten oder Geflame höchster Form. Aber manche Posts sind auch ernstzunehmen. Im Allgemeinen wird kritisiert, dass Terra
- zu schnell Imba Mauros raushauen kann,
- der Mule unfaire eco-Vorteile bringt,
- Terra immer mass M&M baut + Medis und damit alles wegrockt,
- Siegetanks OP sind,
- gegen die Kombi Viking+MM+Tanks nichts zu machen ist,
- Terra durch Scan immer scouten kann,
- jeder Noob wallt sich ein und presume then,
etc etc. ..

The list is long endloss. Arguments against Terran or whatever that are at least two races games, played down ala "you have no idea are still in tin league" or "playing diamond, you know what going on then." They are usually in "Diamond Pros" himself only 100 games behind him.
The discussion generally should be conducted quietly, balancing is always a matter of tactics and skills, but if anyone thinks he would be the "upper Checker" who knows every race by heart and has an APM of 300, and then someone fobs with cheap arguments, then you can call it any more debate. It is cursed and insulted, without considering counter-arguments.

counter-arguments are as
- wall in is necessary because the Terra is destroyed rapidly by hard Rush, particularly from Zerg
- is Meat ball carrier and can be auseinadergenommen quickly Psi Storms or giants,
- Terra plays in general simply because very macro heavy, other breeds require more skill,
- Zerg and Toss have other game mechanics, such surprises, playing off, hiding etc
- Terra has no special forces, the special magic can

, and are covered rarely correct. It is often brought to Terra OP-Flamer, the example pro gamers were moving on from their major races of Terra. I mean, what's so interesting? Pros play himself on vll often they change their race from not balancing, but because you win more with her. Let us consider the top 10 in the world, we see mostly Protoss, even a chance is there.

I think Terra is not OP. It is rather that Terra offers an easy start and to play clearly is. What is wrong but is that the relatively fast Terra Mauro added that are strong and cheap, and in addition the update gets cheap. It should be nachgepachted. Each tactic can be countered in theory. Terra is the better, he is obviously dangerous. But just as it is with other breeds. I personally only about Terra learn the game, da es relativ "einfach" war, BOs und BPs zu lernen. Protoss und Zerg werden mit der Zeit auch stark werden. Auf den Asia-Servern scheint vor allem Zerg die starke Rasse zu sein, in den USA die Toss. Dort wird ähnlich geflamed über die entsprechende Rasse.
Was lernen wir? Kiddies werden besiegt und flamen los. Irgendeine Rasse stellt sich aufgrund von diversen Faktoren als "OP" heraus und wird runtergemacht. Gleichzeitig nach Nerfs gerufen. Das war schon immer so, in jedem Spiel. Solange es welche gibt, die statt zu üben lieber loswhinen, wird es auch Nerfs geben, die die Spielmechanik und das Balancing total durcheinanderbringen.

Also, lieber warten, wie die Proturniere ausgehen und richtige Analysen mit Zahlen durchgeführt were. I think right now too well from Blizz, they wait and balances only when they deem it necessary.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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third [CSA] 1on1 tournament: Stoneman again defends track record stop

On Monday it was again: the clan leadership called for the battle and was followed by 16 members. It was played with 1on1 best of third Taken was like the last 1on1 tournaments Stoneman, these defended his title as champion with a lot of Blink-action. Here again, the entire tournament Tree: Round 1

Match 1: JustforFun - Krash
2-0 Match 2: Esco - Blood Guard
2-0 Match 3: Stoneman - Thantus
Match 4: Array - Dr.Org
Match 5: MC Gollum - Mainboss
Match 6: Matong - James Raynor
Match 7: Maker - RyanCid
Match 8: KhaosX - SunCe


Viertelfinale 1: JustforFun - Esco
Viertelfinale 2: Stoneman - Dr.Org
Viertelfinale 3: MC Gollum - James Raynor
Viertelfinale 4: Maker - KhaosX


Halbfinale 1: JustforFun - Stoneman
Halbfinale 2: MC Gollum - Maker


Stoneman - MC Gollum

Glückwünsche an den Sieger!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

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of candidates

Gestern wurde per Umfrage einstimming entschieden, dass unser Clan momentan keine weiteren Bewerber aufnimmt.
Da wir mittlerweile 30 Mitglieder zählen und langsam die Übersicht verloren geht, hat die Clanleitung auf dem Fundament einer Umfrage in der Community beschlossen, eine Aufnahmesperre einzuführen. Es wurde einstimmig für "Ja" gestimmt. Weiterhin kamen Vorschläge, wie in Zukunft neue Mitglieder ausgewählt würden.
Doch noch konnte sich keine Idee, etwa ein jeder-gegen-jeder "Gladiator-Style", konkret durchsetzen.

Laut vonSchnitzel bringt ein Aufnahmestop viele Vorteile, es kann zum Beispiel eine Organisation aufgebaut werden, bevor die Bewerberflut überhand nimmt und die Ordnung im Clan verloren geht. Weiterhin, so sind sich weitere [cSa]ler einig, können sich bestehende Mitglieder besser kennenlernen und zusammen wachsen, bevor neue hinzukommen.

Aufgehoben wird der Stop voraussichtlich erst, wenn über ein passendes Auswahlverfahren entschieden wurde. Bis dahin müssen sich neue Bewerber gedulden.

Friday, August 13, 2010

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First official [CSA] 2v2 tournament ended successfully!

Wieder ein errungener Erfolg des Clans: nach den ersten 1v1 Turnieren beendeten wir gestern das erste 2v2 Turnier. Es wurde hart gekämpft, geweint, geflucht und gelacht, Favoriten flogen früh raus und Aussenseiter schafften es weit. Fassen wir das Turnier einmal zusammen.

Sieger wurde das Team Justforfun und Herko. Beide legten ein Klasse Turnier hin, besiegten jeden Gegner mit Leichtigkeit und lieferten ein spannendes Finale gegen RandallFlagg und Khalani. Kommentiert wurde dies von Alt F Fear, der wohl auch bei nächsten play the tournaments shoutcaster is added to the community enough of him. Tactical and technical skill, both teams were at a level of adaptability and Justfor Herko, together with Terran armor-piercing it was hard but the opponents, as well as a devastating nuke in Randall's first Eco-final.

for surprise and confusion caused the early retirement of the clear favorites Stoneman, of the first two 1v1 tournaments march through undefeated and won.

were happy time being, Matong and old F Fear, as they relax in the first round still "had". There were 9 teams, an odd number, so a team has played later than the rest but the end it was a good solution and each team played equally often.

The organization was at first a little messy, because Blizzard still no chat rooms provide an adequate size and not all were logged in TS. Demand was hectic, who now plays with whom, people in the TS did not get everything with ausm chat and vice versa. But ultimately everything worked out and the tournament took its course from 20 to about 23h.

feedback in the forum suggests: the clan is completely satisfied. It was all fun and we are already looking forward to the second round! Who will be the winner next time? We will see!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Hell, it's about time!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, dear kiddies, my name is Daniel "Alt F Fear" und mit dieser epischen Einleitung in der Überschrift präsentiere ich mit Glanz und Glorie:

Den offiziellen [cSa] Clanblog!

Hiermit füttere ich euch regelmäßig mit Infos aus der Welt von Starcraft 2, den Geschehnissen rund um unseren Clan und natürlich massig Infos aus dem Szenebereich! Aber nicht nur das, ich werde ab und an auch eigene Kreationen posten, da ich selber gerne Schreibe. Natürlich werde ich versuchen es so gut wie möglich hinzubekommen, aber wie es bei Spielen nunmal auch so ist: man wächst am Training und wird immer besser.
Auch das Design wird sich ständig ändern und weiterentwickeln. 
Freut euch also, just as I am on a glorious era of the clan, the Forum and of course the blog! Should you have

suggestions and requests, contact me via the forum or via PM here on the blog.

Now I wish you a good time in Starcraft 2 and in the clan!

May csa grow and prosper.

cu later!