Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kosher Salt At Trader Joes?

Dienstag, 30. März 2010


In the last two weeks dominated "expo grande, one of the nation's largest trade fairs and exhibition for agribusiness (" Agronegócio "), the local reporting. About 500,000 visitors attended the invitation. This represents about two-thirds of the population of Campo Grande, or a fifth of the inhabitants of the entire state. A So important event for the region.

According important visitors were expected for the opening. President Lula wanted to personally come originally, but was prevented because of his trip through the Middle East. So, the presidential candidate Dilma, Lula's desire successor to take over the task. However, the Minister must cancel at short notice due to sudden illness of her mother. Another minister jumps, opened the show and bring on that occasion also the same for 20 million reais from Brasília - to repair the damage, that the heavy rains have caused the end of February. The upbeat mood also.

agriculture in its entire value chain is a major factor in the Brazilian economy. Three numbers may make this clear: One-third of gross domestic product, over 40% of exports and about one in three jobs account for production, processing and marketing of food. By comparison, in Germany the Federal Statistical Office, according to Agriculture contributes less than 1% of GDP.

These relations are reflected also in cattle. Sometime late 80s surpassed the number of cattle, the number of human inhabitants in Brazil. According to figures from the Ministry of Agriculture populated in 2005 207 million cattle and 192 million people of that country. In Germany, each about 7 inhabitants share a cow.

In our state of Mato Grosso do Sul, the ratios again very different. "We" have brazil far with about 25 million heads the second largest cattle herd, just behind the neighboring state of Mato Grosso. With nearly 2.5 million residents, the calculation is simple: 10:1 for the four-legged friends.

But the end of the story seems far from being reached. The arable land in Brazil is reported to nearly 4 million km ². This corresponds to about 11 in Germany. Almost a quarter of that vast area is still used today not for the production of food. One dimension of the expected growth of agribusiness is thus the growth of the area.

Die andere Dimension stellt die Produktivitätssteigerung dar, d. h. die Steigerung des Ertrags pro Flächeneinheit, sowohl in der Viehzucht als auch im Ackerbau. Die Rinderrassen werden darauf getrimmt, immer schneller zu wachsen, immer robuster gegenüber möglichen Krankheiten zu sein. Im Anbau von Soja, Mais u. a. wird ebenfalls massiv geforscht, um immer schneller immer mehr ernten zu können.

So ist Brasilien, neben den USA, führend in Sachen „Direktsaat“ („plantio direto“). While the European farmer still believes that a field is plowed after harvesting must show his Brazilian colleagues with great success, that there is another way. Sown is harvested directly into the ground. This saves time and money and reduces soil erosion dramatically. We are talking about highly efficient industrial production. With rural sunset romance is nothing more to do.

Mato Grosso do Sul is a major meat producer in the country. Of the global beef exports in 2008 were 30% from Brazil. When it comes to the government, should this Rate in 2020 increased to 45%.

addition, Brazil is still the world number one in production and export of coffee, sugar and fruit juices as well as in the export of soybean and chicken. Beef anyway - despite the fact that 80% of the production of the domestic consumers will get eaten and only the remaining 20% are exported.

Well is right to point out that cattle for a significant part des weltweiten Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen verantwortlich ist. Wir reden dabei in erster Linie von Methan, welches gut zwanzigmal so stark wirkt wie Kohlendioxid. In CO2-Äquivalent umgerechnet reden wir von ca. 1,3 Tonnen CO2 pro Rind und Jahr. Das ist jedoch nur die halbe Wahrheit. Die andere Hälfte besagt: Die hiesige Rinderzucht ist sehr flächenintensiv, will sagen: Auf einem Hektar Land weidet in etwa ein Stück Vieh. Man schätzt nun, dass ein Hektar Weideland pro Jahr etwa 3,4 CO2 Tonnen absorbiert. Macht netto minus 2,1 Tonnen CO2.Wenn die Zahlen also stimmen, dann betreibt der hiesige Rinderzüchter ja geradezu aktiven Klimaschutz.

Brasilien ist also eine Großmacht in Sachen Produktion und Verarbeitung von Nahrungsmitteln. Da kann man sich natürlich auch mal fragen, in wie viele Taschen der generierte Reichtum fließt. Das Zahlenmaterial hierzu ist spärlich, was wenig verwundern dürfte. Auf der Internet-Seite des Bildungsministeriums („Ministério da Educação“, kurz „MEC“) befindet sich eine 30-seitige Ausarbeitung über Viehzucht im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso do Sul.

Und dort, gleich auf der ersten Seite, ist eine interessante Tabelle abgedruckt. Diese gibt Aufschluss über die Größenverteilung der Viehzuchtbetriebe in Mato Grosso do Sul, kurz MS. Die angegebenen Zahlen datieren aus dem Jahre 1995 wohlgemerkt. Wenn es seither nennenswerte Veränderungen gab, dann doch wohl im Einklang mit dem weltweiten Trend hin zur Konzentration.

Die Zahlen besagen, dass die Betriebe mit max. 100 Hektar Fläche zahlenmäßig gut die Hälfte ausmachen. Allerdings entfallen nur gut 2% der Fläche auf sie. Auf 1.000 Hektar oder mehr kommt nur jeder siebte Betrieb. Dafür bedecken diese wenigen Betriebe knapp 80% der gesamten Fläche. Hoch konzentriert, I would say. The creme de la creme is made of nearly 400 companies with 10,000 acres or more. 10,000 hectares, which are sometimes just 100 square kilometers, which is 10 kilometers by 10 kilometers. This is about the area of the city of Heidelberg. Or a little more than the whole of Manhattan. In a wealthy hand. All sorts.

And now the icing on the cake. What next, is not cited in the report, but you can work out with the skilful application of the four basic arithmetic. There are almost 50,000 livestock farms in MS with a total area of almost 31 million hectares. That makes over 600 hectares on average. Now, if the 0.8% largest farms, with an area of 10,000 hectares or more, have a total of 24.5% of the total, it is clear that for these "top tier" an average area of almost 20,000 hectares. 200 km ². 14 km x 14 km. So great is Stuttgart.

We our visit to the grande expo to attend a lecture interesting use of the opportunities afforded the cultivation of eucalyptus trees. What? First, eucalyptus is native primarily to Australia. And second: What does a tree on a cattle show lost?

Even the cattle farmers from Mato Grosso do Sul pays off at the end of the year its return on investment and cross-eyed attention to the continuing high interest rates, paying the bank for risk-free investments . Just now the prime rate of 8.75% was confirmed by the central bank.

Now it seems to be that the local good soils lose slowly but surely in power. This applies equally well for animal husbandry and the cultivation of soybeans and corn. Economic terms, this means nothing other than that the rate of return "under pressure" device.

And here is their chance to see companies that have established a land owner the following offer: Make us a part of your soil for the next few years are available. We take care of everything, you get your financial contribution. None of this means: Preparing the soil, eucalyptus planting in rows and maintain the greenhouse and to cherish, it can be "harvested" after 7 or 14 years.

Dieses Konzept scheint nach und nach zu überzeugen. Eukalyptus muss es übrigens sein, des schnellen Wachstums wegen. Da kann offenbar kein brasilianischer Baum mithalten. Die Anbaufläche konnte in den letzten fünf Jahren mehr als verdoppelt werden auf etwa 300.000 Hektar. Hört sich nach viel an, ist aber weniger als 1% der Fläche des Bundesstaates. Gleichwohl sehen die Produzenten dies als Möglichkeit, ihre Produktpalette zu diversifizieren und sich so von Preisschwankungen unabhängiger zu machen.

Im Übrigen muss kein Rind fürchten, that there is a Eukaliptuswald must go. On the contrary. The trees could provide the troubled down mercilessly by the burning sun bark a little protection if the landowner permits.

It must therefore have no fear that soon Sundays remain the grill must be cold, because, although there is plenty of wood for heating, but there is no meat to fry everything.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Do Pearl Thongs Work On Men

Mittwoch, 24. März 2010


Since February, I am going to a volunteer activity. This is called "voluntary work" ("trabalho voluntario). Whether the employment is regarded as a logical implication, therefore, involuntarily, I can not say.

Voluntary work is regulated even a federal law which states that a volunteer eight hours per week shall not act in this manner.

My first stop was "MesaBrasil. "Mesa" means "table". It is therefore a non-profit institution which ensures that some food on the table. Unlike German panel shops MesaBrasil supplies but not final consumers, but establishments such as schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, shelters, etc. And this all over Brazil.

In Campo Grande MesaBrasil I meet Dona Lúcia. It gives me a detailed introduction to the Work of the organization. Yes, they would also work with volunteers. These would dragging but mainly heavy bags of rice, beans and other foods. Then I'd understand what computers, but they had a different idea.

So she taught me continue to Dona Gislene, the head of a body which could be described most probably as a nursery. This device, called "Sociedade Educacional Constantino Lopes Rodrigues," short "SOECON", located in the district of Nova Lima "at the periphery of about 250 children mainly from poor families attend. Sometimes the families are not only poor but also disrupted ("desagregado"), whether by separation or by the fact that a parent is serving a sentence in prison.

The children attend morning or afternoon of a normal school. The other half of the day is spent at SOECON. There, they are supervised and not only cared for, but supplemental instruction given by professional teachers.

SOECON hat nun von einer anderen karitativen Organisation eine Spende erhalten: ein halbes Dutzend PCs. Leider weiß niemand etwas damit anzufangen.

So war die erste Idee, dass ich kleine Gruppen von Kindern im Umgang mit dem Computer unterrichte. Der Gedanke wurde jedoch im Gespräch mit Ricardo, dem Vorsitzenden („Presidente“) des Trägervereins, wieder verworfen, da dies erstens den restlichen Unterricht durcheinanderbringen würde und zweitens nicht allen gleichermaßen zugute kommen könnte. Stattdessen wäre es doch nachhaltiger, wenn ich Lehrer unterrichten würde, auf dass diese anschließend das erworbene Wissen mit ihren Schützlingen teilen können. Recht hat er.

Gesagt, getan. So verbringe ich nun also zwei Vormittage in der Woche in „Nova Lima“. Das ist dort, wo nur einzelne Straßen asphaltiert sind. Das ist äußerst unangenehm, wenn man dort bei Regen unterwegs sein muss, jedoch überaus hilfreich für die Orientierung: „Die nächste asphaltierte Straße rechts.“

"Nova Lima" is thus an area where you and a comparatively well-off inner-city residents actually can not reach.

my "students" seem to make the lessons ("aulas"), fun, me too. Are you with zeal in the matter and make good progress. I am the way, also, that the Brazilian-Portuguese Microsoft vocabulary. Win-win also.

a very specific purpose, we are pursuing also. Like most charities, it also funded in part by SOECON sponsorship. In order to attract new sponsors and the old to keep them happy, it is opportune to move the work into perspective. So we create in our "aulas" step by step an appealing report ("Relatório") on the activities of the institution. Using Microsoft Power Point in Brazilian Portuguese, of course.


Germany breathes again. Winter is over, the long-awaited spring ist da. Wobei sich das Aufatmen beschränkt auf jene, die von Glück sagen können, dass die Pollen ihnen nichts anhaben. Heuschnupfen ist in Brasilien weitgehend unbekannt. Die Ursache ist vermutlich darin begründet, dass die pflanzliche Natur hier das ganze Jahr über aktiv ist. Somit besteht keinerlei Notwendigkeit, innerhalb weniger Wochen das gesamte Pulver zu verschießen. Bei uns ist jetzt übrigens Herbst. Dies hat zur Folge, dass die Tageshöchsttemperaturen auch mal unter 30 Grad liegen.

Ich wünsche Euch allen schöne erste Frühlingstage.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How Much Do Hor Dourves Cost At A Wedding

Tube-Preamp für E-Bass - Aufbau

The first building is complete, it was rebuilt according to the following diagram:

works in principle, the preamp, there is only just a bit of improvement:

  • The signal Overrides something
  • does not mute the tuning
  • The equalizer must be adjusted in its frequency settings are

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is There A Way To See Southpark On Ipod

Mittwoch, 10. März 2010


I did not think that the weekend after Rio de Janeiro again holds a stunning highlight for us. And yet it behaves this way. The fact that it happened has to do with the Brazilian health system.

Brasilien verfügt über ein staatliches Gesundheitssystem, das „Sistema Único de Saúde“, abgekürzt „SUS“. Wörtlich übersetzt „Das einzige Gesundheitssystem“. Alle, egal ob arm oder reich, zahlen in dieses System ein. Niemand kann sich, wie in Deutschland, mittels einer privaten Krankenversicherung davon freikaufen. Es steht natürlich jedem frei, sich zusätzlich privat krankenzuversichern. Doch der Beitrag in die Solidargemeinschaft muss sein.

Für die Patienten gibt es ambulante Versorgungs­einrichtungen (Posto de saúde ") and hospitals (" hospital "), which may be available free of charge either by the SUS, or directly operated by the state or the state will.

Now we know in Germany, that many a country doctor long and now often in vain for a successor. Similarly, it is here. In the big cities, the facilities with doctors is very good. In small towns and the countryside, however, it is often a challenge just to supply off-peak times, so as to ensure the weekend.

thus achieved Oriana the question whether they want to do from Friday to Saturday a night shift in an urban hospital ("hospital municipal") in the small town of "Rio Verde de Mato Grosso" because it worst comes to worst and the woman straight.

"Rio Verde" means green river. The name, "de Mato Grosso" needs it, as in the neighboring state of Goiás is a town of the same. "Rio Verde de Goiás" just. "Rio Verde de MT ", as it is abbreviated, is still in Mato Grosso do Sul. The name of the city dates from the period before elimination of Mato Grosso do Sul by the former huge state of Mato Grosso. Subsequently amended is no longer there.

Back to the night shift. Well, it is made. Although we were not there, but know that there will be very beautiful waterfalls. Therefore, we decide summarily, all to travel together. Dog included. While the wife slaves away, amused the rest of the family. Typical.

Oriana braucht keine Unterkunft, wir aber schon. Von unserem Cousin und Freund Aldo haben wir den wieder einmal den entscheidenden Tipp bekommen: Die „Pousada do Didi“, „Didis Pension“. Bei Immobilien zählt ja in erster Linie die Lage. Und bei diesem Objekt soll diese recht einmalig sein. Wir telefonieren mit Didi. Er hat Platz für uns. Alles klar. Lassen wir uns überraschen.

Aufbruch Freitagnachmittag, 15 Uhr. Wir veranschlagen drei Stunden für die Fahrt. Der It really is simple. Campo Grande exit in a northerly direction, then straight on the road "BR-163" 200 km. Once again, seem all truck drivers in the region have gathered on the route. Then even a longer construction site. We can do it just now times to arrive about 18 hours.

The Pousada is located 7 km outside the city. Directions Didi is that if the asphalt ends, turn another 80 meters and turn right. Clear statement. We're here. And overwhelmed. Our room is right next to the waterfall. There are no mosquitoes. So we can sleep with windows open. Herrlich.

Extensive contemplation must wait, however. We now need to quickly eat what and Oriana deliver before 19 h in hospital. Knapp, but to create.

While Oriana takes care of the suffering, we are guided by the soothing sounds of the waterfall sink into sleep.

The night shift ends on time um 7 Uhr morgens. Und natürlich bin ich zur Stelle, um meine Gattin abzuholen. Vorher jedoch fordert das Haustier sein Recht. Ich nutze die Gelegenheit, einen nahegelegenen Aussichtspunkt („mirante“) aufzusuchen, um die Wasserfälle, sieben an der Zahl, in seiner vollen Schönheit, glitzernd in der morgendlichen Sonne zu genießen. Ein wahrhaft atemberaubender Anblick, den ich in diesen Minuten nur mit unserem Hund teile. Weit und breit keine Menschenseele.

Den Vormittag dieses heißen Tages verbringen wir an und in den Wasserfällen. Das Wasser ist kristallklar und auf a very special way soft. We are not alone, but the number of visitors is very manageable. In between, Didi asked whether we want to stay for lunch. "Comida caseira" will do it. This simple, freshly prepared food, which we value beyond measure. But we are happy to stay.

to inquire about the price at this point is superfluous. There will be a fair price. Didi and his wife operate, now with children, daughter and grandchild this pousada for almost 25 years. So someone does not come up with the idea someone to "rip" do. Here is "Customer first", so that this may come as possible. If I come to think we are on all our tours here Brazil never once been "ripped off".

If you experienced something again and again, it may be so easily set habit, with the result that this experience is no longer perceived as something special. With the local food, it seems to behave differently. We eat very often very good. And yet it is every time a very special event. So and lunch in Didi.

We still have appointments in Campo Grande, so we have to leave after lunch. We come back. Promised.


In the house next to us a nice young family, whose daughter lives of these days was 1 year old. To the associated hard we are kindly invited. Well, what do you expect from a German perspective at a birthday party for a one-year child? Three, four other children, at most, grandmothers, grandfathers, maybe a few aunts and uncle.

fact, we are part of a lavish feast with more than 50 guests. Days earlier from morning to evening baked and decorated.

So I know that it is customary in this country to commit just the first birthday of a child in such a large scale. Depending on personal preference and size of the budget sometimes even a correspondingly specialized company is committed align to the festivities. Would be mentioned, that was about midnight.

I wish you all the necessary stamina for this seemingly endless winter.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Incontinence Of Bowel In Cats

Donnerstag, 4. März 2010


Friday 26 February 2010

Rio de Janeiro. Finally. Brazil without Rio, that would be like ... Bayern Munich without such without Munich Oktoberfest, such as football World Cup without Brazil, ... - So in a word, unthinkable.

But still it is not so far. Feels Like 10 000 things to do before. My mom can call and congratulate her for her birthday. The dog a bath and a hairdryer to dry before being deported to our dear relatives, provision for the journey address, etc., etc.

is the timing. The children come straight out of the classroom, as Oriana and I are already with the engine running in front of the school, the packed suitcase in the trunk. The school is located conveniently on the way to the airport. The check-in takes only a few minutes. It will be our first flight with the still fairly new airline "Azul," to be German "blue".

were called up almost ten years die brasilianischen Fluggesellschaften in Brasilien VARIG, Teil der Star-Alliance mit Lufthansa, und VASP. Damals war Fliegen eine exklusive Angelegenheit. Dann geriet der Markt in Bewegung. TAM und GOL betraten die Bühne. Die Preise fielen. Erst verschwand VASP vom Markt, vor kurzem auch VARIG, deren Reste kurzerhand von GOL aufgekauft wurden. Hinzu kamen OceanAir und Azul.

Letztere ist eine Gründung eines US-Amerikaners, der seine ersten Jahre in Brasilien verbrachte. Als junger Erwachsener kehrte er für ein paar Jahre zurück – als mormonischer Missionar. Später war er erfolgreich als Reiseveranstalter und Gründer von Fluglinien in den USA, zuletzt von JetBlue.

2008 dann Azul in Brasilien. Rio de Janeiro sollte der „Hub“ werden. Doch die etablierten Konkurrenten TAM und GOL waren von dieser Vorstellung gar nicht „amuzed“ und überzeugten den Gouverneur davon, das auch so zu sehen. Also ließ Azul sich in Campinas nieder, wo sie mit offenen Armen aufgenommen wurden.

Die Gesellschaft pflegt ihr Image, das da lautet: „Wir sind anders.“ Eine Besonderheit besteht darin, that the aircraft fleet is exclusively from domestic production. Although Brazil does not have its own car brand, but is indeed its own aircraft, which are appreciated worldwide and sells: the jets from Embraer. After many ups and downs and near bankruptcies in the mid 1990s, the development began a global company. The key to success was the clever positioning: the concentration on jets with 50 to 100 seats - a market segment that was not served at that time, was sought by the newly formed regional airline, however. Beginning of the millennium could even win EMBRAER Air Canada as a customer, and that Bombardier was the rival neighbors.

So now our first flight with Azul. The price is kind to the budget. Converted to 150 € per person for the route Campo Grande - Rio, and back. Distance 1,400 km.

increase in time from us. A good hour and a time zone later, we land located in Campinas, a city of millions in Europe are largely unknown, about 100 km from São Paulo. At the airport, it's like on a bus station. The waiting for their departure, passengers are all gathered in a large hall. After einer Stunde geht es weiter. Etwa 40 Minuten trennen uns nun noch von Rio de Janeiro.

Beim Anflug ist die „cidade maravilhosa“, die „wunderbare Stadt“, bereits in Dunkelheit gehüllt und hell erleuchtet. Deutlich zu erkennen ist die gut 13 km lange Brücke, welche die weiträumige Guanabara-Bucht überspannt. Wir landen auf dem kleinen, dem Inlandsflughafen Santos Dumont, benannt nach dem brasilianischen Luftfahrtpionier, dem nach einhelliger Überzeugung jener Ruhm zusteht, welcher den Gebrüdern Wright zuteil wurde.

Dass ich kleine Flughäfen mag, erwähnte ich bereits an früherer Stelle. Dieser hier ist zwar deutlich größer als „unser“ Flughafen in Campo Grande, aber immer noch sehr überschaubar. Die Zahl der Gepäckbänder beläuft sich auf vier. Nach wenigen Minuten sind wir im Besitz all unserer Habseligkeiten.

Und da kommt uns auch schon mit einem strahlenden Lächeln und offenen Armen Wagner entgegen. Namen, die andernorts Nachnamen sind, werden in Brasilien schon mal als Vornamen vergeben. Wagner also is the son of Aliete, her character's cousin Orianas father. Consequently, Wagner Orianas, and so is my cousin.

Wagner is a true "carioca". Are the names of those who can claim to be born in Rio de Janeiro. Just as my wife. When she was 11, moved the family away. The memory has faded so already to some extent.

In Rio, a car is more of a hindrance. There are two subway lines ("Metro"), countless buses and tens of thousands of taxis at very affordable prices. In contrast, parking is extremely scarce. So rather not drive. Wagner sees the Sun If however, as just this week, has released a few days and wants to leave the city, he rented just one. Just as this week. Therefore, he can pick us from the airport to the hotel and take.

course he would take us with them. The Brazilian hospitality is unsurpassed.

However, the spatial relationships do so with the best intentions not to. With an estimated 12 million inhabitants of metropolitan Rio de Janeiro is just not per person so viel übrig.

Das "Scorial Rio Hotel" ist um die Ecke von Wagner und Tante („tia“) Alietes Wohnung, im Stadtteil Flamengo, der Heimat des aktuellen und gleichnamigen brasilianischen Fußballmeisters.

Eine Stunde später erwartet uns Tia Aliete mit einem unwiderstehlichen Abendessen: Reis, Fisch Salat. Ach ja, die Freude über das Wiedersehen ist auch groß. Gut gefüllt betten wir uns zur Ruhe. Der nächste Tag hält mehrere 5-star attractions in store for us.

Saturday 27 February 2010

The alarm clock rings at 7. The early bird catches the worm. We're not here for our pleasure.

Before breakfast, I go to the tenth floor. There, on the roof, I think, as promised, in a swimming pool. As a bonus, there will still equal a look at the "Cristo Redentor", high on the Corcovado.

The first threat to our ambitious timetable is in the form of an overflowing breakfast buffet therefore irresistible delicacies. All that now needs time to try his time.

Finally, we are in the taxi on the way to the valley station of that railway, which will bring us to over 700 meters high Corcovado, where the famous statue of Christ with outstretched arms, visitors the city welcomed.

Der Karneval ist vorbei, dennoch sind offenbar nach wie vor viele Touristen in der Stadt. Unsere Tickets haben bekommen wir zügig, allerdings erst für eine Fahrt in zwei Stunden. Was machen wir nun?

Flexibel wie wir sind, winken wir ein weiteres Taxi heran und geben Anweisung, uns zum Botanischen Garten („Jardim Botânico“) zu bringen. Zehn Minuten später sind wir dort. Dieses grüne Paradies wurde vor gut 200 Jahren vom damaligen portugiesischen König Johann VI („Dom João VI ") in order given. Shortly before, he had fled before the onrushing in unfriendly intention Napoleon in Brazil's former capital, Rio de Janeiro.

This garden exudes a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere, with its palm-lined avenues, trees of all sizes and shapes, waterfalls, fountains and pavilions.

time for the departure of our train, we are back to our office location. A Tower of Babel can be discerned. My Brazilian seatmate suddenly feels strange at home.

The journey calls up memories of the Heidelberg funicular railway. Twenty minutes and 700 meters later, we may enjoy at the feet of the 38 meter high statue of Christ a breathtaking view of large parts of Rio. We are at the foot of Sugarloaf, the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, the Maracanã football stadium, a modern cathedral, and more.

This panorama paying attention ever not quite sure where you step out. This can be dangerous to the floor lying on his back photographers who try to start the whole "Cristo Redentor" to capture the "Christ Redeemer".

The idea of building in this exposed position, a statue of Christ is formed in the nineteenth century, the days of the Kaisserreichs ("Imperio"). But then, in 1898, the first time the Republic and takes the separation of state und Kirche. 1922, anlässlich des hundertjährigen Jubiläums der Unabhängigkeit Brasiliens, entsteht eine Art Bürgerinitiative für die Errichtung einer Christusstatue, welche 20.000 Unterschriften sammelt und diese dem damaligen Präsidenten überreicht. Noch im selben Jahr wird der Grundstein gelegt. Bis das fertige Monument schließlich eingeweiht werden kann, vergehen weitere neun Jahre.

Zufrieden und mit visuell gesättigt treten wir die Rückfahrt an.

Nächste Station: Zuckerhut („Pão de Açúcar“). Es verfestigt sich der Eindruck, dass offenbar die ganz große Zahl von Rios Taxifahrern es ehrlich mit ihren Kunden meint. Stets wird unaufgefordert der Taxameter eingeschaltet, nicht bestellte Stadtrundfahrten finden nicht statt.

Nanu? Die Kasse an der Seilbahn, an der vor gut 30 Jahren Roger Moore alias James Bond schon herumturnte, ist praktisch leer. Also dann, her mit den Tickets. Erst aber müssen wir etwas essen.

lo and behold: a few steps away from one of the biggest tourist attractions in Brazil, but not in his sight, we find a small fine restaurant with "comida a quilo, where you served so sic as you like from the buffet and the result of selection can prevail and accordingly paid for it.

transparency is just always good. Also eating. What you see is what you eat. Fine thing. Such well-fed we are ready for the ride on the funicular.

Dem ca. 370 m hohen Zuckerhut nähert man sich in zwei Etappen. Die erste Gondel bringt uns auf den vorgelagerten „Morro da Urca“, den Hügel des Stadtteils Urca. Dort hat sich ein Ort für Kultur, Musik und Kino etabliert. Der Ausblick von hier oben ist schon mal ordentlich. Doch unser Ziel liegt höher.

Ein Schild im Inneren der zweiten Gondel offenbart, dass hier Technik aus der Schweiz („Suiça“) im Einsatz ist. Nun ja – in den knapp hundert Jahren ihres Existence is recorded not a single accident. Is it somehow reassuring.

The view from the top of Sugar Loaf leaves nothing to be desired. Here, the Guanabara Bay, where the world famous Copacabana beach. If there were no Rio, one would have to invent it smooth.

arrived back downstairs, we assume - of course - again a taxi. Please to Copacabana. We hit a very talkative and apparently also very enterprising taxi driver. He says many words from a vantage point that we must have seen. Just a few miles away. Okay, Let's go. We turn into the Avenida Atlântica, along the streets of Copacabana. A hotel joins on to the next. A feast for the eyes, the facade of the venerable "Copacabana Palace".

It follows on the beach at Ipanema. Lived there for that girl named Heloise, called "HELO" which Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes to the world famous song "The Girl from Ipanema" inspired.

Today Ipanema is one of the meeting places for gays and lesbians. Rio de Janeiro recently received an award as the world's best destination for gays and lesbians. After Rios Mayor Eduardo Paes, this is further proof of the hospitality of the people.

And already we are on the beach of Leblon, at the end of the waves breaking on the rocks. The promised view is ok. On the other hand, it is also safe in this scenario difficult to find a bad view. We go back and get off at the Copacabana, where we stretch the feet into the water. Pampered and effeminate by the cozy, warm sea water from Salvador da Bahia, we consider that prevailing here estimated as 23 degrees is definitely too cold for swimming. Instead, we stroll further relaxed in the knowledge, the most famous beach in the world might be.

The day is drawing to a close. To 18 clock it is dark. So back then to the hotel. Again, a talkative taxi driver. He wants us, however, sell anything, but to convince us just assume that everything before was much better. So, so. The conversation is very one-sided. Our thoughts are still in the Jardim Botânico, on the Corcovado, the Pão de Açúcar, at the Copacabana.

Relax (relaxar ") at the hotel. Put your feet up. Showers. The difficult decision, where we will eat dinner. The choice is to "Catete Grill. Catete is the name of a district that borders on Flamengo. Walk in a few Minutes.

Again, a self-service restaurant, this time enough, however, includes the finer art The menu of grilled meat of various kinds and sizes of fish, shrimp (camarão) to sushi. There is of course salads, side dishes etc.

What a eventful day comes to an end. When I casually at bedtime, the question arises whether we want to get up the following day at 7 clock, I reap reactions between sheer lack of understanding and open mutiny. All right. And we agree to 8 clock.

Sunday 28 February 2010

The realistic prospect of another sumptuous breakfast helps you get up. The following sequence of food is beginning to emerge: first abundant fruit - mango, pineapple, melon, etc. Then, scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. Finally, cheese and jam ("Romeo & Julieta") and one or other pastries.

On this sunny morning, we will first learn the Flamengo Park, which covers virtually on our doorstep. The drug of choice to this is a guide to an open electric car (carro elétrico "). Cláudio, our driver and expert guide, brings us the story of this good 1-acre park on the beach near Atlantic.

One hundred years ago, the area belongs to the sea. Then the plan is adopted, aufzuschütten here with soil to widen the north-south link road to. Then enters the architect and landscape designer Carlota de Macedo Soares, the political scene and convinced the then Governor of it to build a park here. They promptly awarded a contract for this project. With much foresight and diplomatic skill not only leads to the success of this work, but also sought that the newly created park is immediately placed under the protection of the national conservation authority to speculators to lead not only to the test.

A large part of leadership is the approximately 200 species of trees, palms, Sträuchern und Blumen aus allen Teilen der tropischen Welt gewidmet. Mit seiner typisch brasilianischen Art – freundlich, sympathisch, herzlich mit einem Lächeln, das authentisch ist und nicht Aufgesetztes hat – macht Cláudio diese Führung zu einem echten Highlight.

Unser weiterer Weg führt uns zu „Oi Futuro“, wörtlich „Hallo Zukunft“. Das Wörtchen „oi“ bedeutet so viel wie „hallo“, ist aber passenderweise auch der Name einer der großen Telekommunikationsunternehmen Brasiliens. „Oi Futuro“ also ist eine Art Kulturzentrum für Technologie und Kommunikation, wo deren Vergangenheit und Zukunft in sehr lebendiger Weise dargestellt werden. So sind auch die Heranwachsenden unter uns zu begeistern.

Mittagessen. Wieder im „Catete Grill“. Wieder sehr gut. Wieder sehr reichlich. Ich beginne zu ahnen, dass Sonderschichten im Fitnessstudio auf uns zukommen. Ja, ja, aber nicht jetzt.

Mittlerweile haben Regenwolken die Vorherrschaft am Himmel errungen. Wir setzen to museums. Walk the "Museu da República" reach the seat of almost all Brazilian presidents since the beginning of the Republic in 1889, to shift the capital to Brasília 1960th

The palace can first build a Portuguese, who bought one during the imperial period with the slave trade and coffee-growing large fortune. Because he invested part of it in the expansion of the railway, he is ennobled by the Emperor Dom Pedro II to the Baron Nova Friburgo. The property passed through several hands, until it acquires the young republic. The whiff of history clearly noticeable, particularly in the sleeping quarters of Getulio Vargas, president of that which is carried there by a gun from life to death. A total of 18 years, in two stages, he was at the head of the country. Then it seemed his time expired. Opposition and the press urged him to resign. His departure was quite a theatrical, but he chose the St. Bartholomew for his suicide.

We decide today's education drive with a short visit to the Museu Nacional Hstórico. There, the visitors will include about den „Vertrag von Tordesillas“ informiert. Und das war so: 1494, als zwei Jahre nach Kolumbus’ Entdeckungsreise, teilen Spanien und Portugal den in seiner vollen Größe noch unentdeckten amerikanischen Kontinent schon mal unter sich auf. Und zwar auf persönlichen Wunsch des Herrn Papstes. Danach wurde eine Nord-Süd-Linie gezogen, 1.770 km westlich der Kapverdischen Inseln. Alle Gebiete westlich dieser Linie sollten Spanien gehören, der Rest den Portugiesen. Wäre es bei dieser Einteilung geblieben, so wäre der größte Teil Brasiliens, incl. Campo Grande, heute spanisch. Hut 150 Jahre später wurde der Vertrag aufgehoben, und die Portugiesen konnten sich den Rest Brasiliens unter den Nagel reißen.

Montag, 1. März 2010

Regen. Und das am Geburtstag. Heute vor 445 Jahren wird die Stadt Rio de Janeiro gegründet. Ob es damals auch regnete, ist nicht bekannt. Für den Namen der Stadt sind übrigens zwei mögliche Erklärungen im Umlauf. Bezüglich „Janeiro“ ist man sich einig. Am 1. Januar 1502 kam der erste Portugies hier vorbei. So weit so gut. Nur gibt es weit und breit keinen Fluss („rio“). Erklärung Nummer eins besagt, dass die Portugiesen die ca. 20 km tiefe Guanabara-Bucht fälschlicherweise für eine Flussmündung you can ask. Statement number two states that the word meant "Rio" at that time not only flow but also Bay. Whatever the case - for a name change, it is now, a few years before the Olympics, definitely too late.

What to do in Rio when it rains? For example you can take the tram. In the district of Santa Teresa runs for over a hundred years, a tram, which carries mostly tourists today. A single yellow car, open the side daring climbs slopes and narrow curves. The highlight comes soon after the departure: the crossing of yet from the colonial period dating from Lapa aqueduct, the arches of Lapa ("Arcos da Lapa"). This one looks about 20 m vertically into the depths. Not all family members are excited about this prospect. The driver of this vehicle has always been an aide with him. Its mission is to provide a hundred years ago using an iron rod, the mechanical switches.

After so much adventure is already in the morning in the mood for relaxation for body and soul. A fit for this goal is the almost 150 years ago in the Art Nouveau-style "Confeitaria Colombo". Hot chocolate, choice of cake, in a stylish ambiance. Even the barometer is back at the top stop.

Our visit to the wonderful city, the "Cidade Maravilhosa" is coming to an end. The last hours we use to visit another aunt of Oriana, who just recovered from an operation.

So we went already back at the airport Santos Dumont. Three glorious days lie hinter uns. Rio ist eine Reise wert. Auch zwei.

Was sonst noch geschah

Während wir uns derart vergnügen, bebt in Chile die Erde und – was wir erst später erfahren – gehen über Campo Grande die stärksten Regenfälle der letzten 5 Jahre nieder. Innerhalb von anderthalb Stunden fallen knapp 10 cm Regen. Straßen werden überschwemmt, zum Teil weggespült, Autos und Gebäude zum Teil schwer beschädigt. Der Bürgermeister ruft den Notstand aus. Wir haben Glück. Unser Haus steht noch. Das Wasser hat uns verschont.