Sunday, November 29, 2009

Free Deer Hunting Stand Plans

Sonntag, 29. November 2009

Formatura (II)

The celebration of the Formatura find their high point in the ball (baile). For our son it should be a very special event. But more on that later.

Where can bring together even just 1,500 people to a dance ball? The answer is: In a club ("Club"). A club is usually a vast and extensive leisure facilities, with swimming pools and sports fields for soccer, volleyball and tennis. Course may not be missing facilities that serve the physical welfare.

access to a club whose members have. Member is obtained by paying a monthly fee. The oldest club in Campo Grande is from the time when there was no television, and is consequently "Rádio Clube, founded in 1924. At that time the area was well outside the city limits. Meanwhile, the growing city has caught up with the club.

And those "Rádio Clube" is the scene for the ball, what we knew in advance: Formal wear is required. Eating and Drinking There will, however, no alcoholic beverages. Mother and son are dancing a waltz. And: The spectacle begins as against 23 clock, so if people like us usually has already amassed a decent bed gravity.

The day is filled with a tense anticipation. The sun goes down. The preparations begin. iron on the last time the shirts, die Schuhe blank putzen. Nein, die Krawatte sitzt noch nicht perfekt. Noch einmal neu binden.

Als wir zur angesetzten Zeit am Ort des Geschehens eintreffen, haben wir noch nichts versäumt. Wir finden unseren Tisch in einem luftigen Pavillon unweit der Bühne. Bis Mitternacht füllt sich das Areal nach und nach.

Die Band („banda“) spielt schon mal Musik für die Eltern: Bolero, Salsa, Forró – Salontänze („dança de salão“). Dank a beautiful woman at my side, which has largely away about my imperfections dance succeed me to make a very decent figure.

The first highlight: The entry of young people - accompanied by father or mother, on the way to the first waltz. Believe it or not: In this country the "beautiful blue Danube" is ("Danubio Azul") epitomizes the waltz.

Now it had been - carried by a deliberate indiscretion - ahead of the ball around that our Marcus fairly decent saxophone playing. It turned out that he was invited to give the ball to a sample of his ability. And immediately after the waltz.

Short hectic. Music stand set up, configure instrument, coordination with the art. Done. This is easier said than done. Of course, trembling knees, of course, is one uneasy. That's obvious. What matters is to do it anyway. The waste should be enough adrenaline for the whole night. Marcus and lies down a great idea. The female part of the audience is very particularly impressed.

The rest is quickly told: It is danced to 5 clock in the morning. Then there was "already" final. When we get home, It is already bright


The school year is now almost over. In a few days the summer holidays, which will last until the end of January. This time we will use for various travel within Brazil. At the start we visit on 4 to 13 December Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state. Oriana lived there for several years, where we met.

the next entry of my blog will be available after our return from Manaus. Until then I wish you all a beautiful Christmas season.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pilot Income. Air Jazz

Sonntag, 22. November 2009


The school year is ending in about two weeks, the last day of school . This week is dedicated to the celebration of the "Formatura" of the ninth graders. One of them is our son, Marcus. The completion of ninth grade is not strictly an education, but reason enough to celebrate this event on three evenings.

Das brasilianische Schulsystem kennt keine unterschiedlichen Schultypen wie sie in Deutschland mit Hauptschule, Realschule und Gymnasium (noch) anzutreffen sind. (Und auch dort, zumindest in Baden-Württemberg, scheinen die Tage der Hauptschule gezählt zu sein.)

Hier also gehen alle Kinder auf die Schule („colégio“). Neun Schuljahre sind verpflichtend vorgeschrieben, zwölf Schuljahre sind möglich. Am Ende des zwölften Schuljahres findet keine besondere Prüfung, wie etwa die Baccalaureate instead. This is not necessary, as a diploma from a school not have a ticket for a university represents.

Who wants to study at a university, an admission exam (vestibular). And although individually at each university. As those that have an advantage, which have the required travel budget has also recognized the government and therefore launched a nationwide school uniform audit on the road. Unfortunately, there was a leak before the premiere, and had postponed the launch early next year be.

The public schools were used to be in good shape. Today it is more the case that anyone who can afford to send their children to private schools. Many private schools are in church, that Catholic sponsorship. So the school our children.

And there is at the end of the ninth and twelfth grade at the end of the "Formatura" instead. The word "Formatura" apparently has to do with "forms." The children are to young people and eventually formed into young adults.

The celebrations are rituals. They give young people milestones and show them what they have already achieved. They encourage one or the other, the threat of running out of breath, hold out on. It also brings people involved in the Education are involved together. show all ". We are interested in your progress and celebrate it with you" (For this display my thanks to one of my very esteemed psychologist.)

And It truly brings together many people: Approx. 250 ninth graders and their families. The place to be, a meeting, concert, theater, offers an estimated 1,200 seats. That's enough just now then another.

prelude is a fair ("missa") in this framework. With joyful songs and a head teacher, who met during the sermon with a wireless microphone and spatial steps, the big stage with his presence.

Two days later the official main part: the formal presentation of the documents. While it is still allowed in the exhibition "casual" clothes, so now festive outfit is the word: The guys in suits and ties, the girls in elegant dresses. The providers of women's sparkling shoes are likely these days have experienced strong sales growth.

The stage is festively decorated, filled the seats for the relatives. The master of ceremonies took the floor. After classes, the students are called, to applause invade and occupy their reserved seats.

is finally assembled the "ceremony table" ("mesa de Ceremonia") with the dignitaries ("autoridades"): The head teachers, teachers with special functions, the head of the administration. Ten people in total.

You would think now would begin the official part: Various speeches, then the transfer of the certificates. Wait! We are not in Germany but also in Brazil. And there must at official events - including some of the local nature - not a fault: The National Anthem.

be asked all present to rise and sing the anthem. And everyone is singing along. With pride and passion. (Man, the agency even before a moment: an education event in Germany will be opened with the singing of the national anthem.)

And everyone knows the text by heart - for a total of 52 (!) lines in literary language certainly not a given. The Brazilian education system has major weaknesses - but apparently it is possible to teach every child the anthem.

This evening will subsequently also the anthem of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul sung. As had to adjust quite a few. Finally, the state was only 30 years ago by division of a larger entity. Accordingly, young should be the anthem.

So now the speeches. The fear that everyone would take the authorities present the word is unfounded. The headmaster, two teachers, a student representative. Done. At last the much-anticipated presentation of the certificates. Since these are passed rolled in thin cylindrical vessels, has this in der Umgangssprache die Bezeichnung „Strohhalme“ („canudos“) durchgesetzt.

Nacheinander werden die Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Namen auf die Bühne gerufen. Jeder und jede bekommt seinen und ihren großen persönlichen Auftritt: Umarmungen und Wangenküsse, Foto mit dem Lehrer oder der Lehrerin, Applaus. Währenddessen wird der Name in großen Lettern in einem leuchteten Schriftband eingeblendet. Ich bin beeindruckt und, ja, wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin, auch ein wenig gerührt, und stolz, als mein Sohn die Bühne erklimmt.

From the third part of the celebration, the ball will have to report yet.


It grows all kinds in our garden. Exotic fruits - from a German perspective. Let's start with the fruit that is not highly valued can enjoy: the banana. Not that they would disdain. One has them to feed you. However, their value is not rated very highly. If you have purchased something very inexpensive, so you have a "price of bananas" ("preço de banana") are paid. Banana trees we have. And they bear fruit (see photo). be cut off after the harvest, the corresponding strain. I do not like, but it must be good - because of the sustainable yield.

Of the mangoes have already been mentioned. They leave us the way, still waiting. In addition, as well as the avocados (Abacate) on the same tree. In this country the way, the avocado is considered a fruit. For consumption to cut on it, sprinkled it with lime juice and sprinkled - here it comes - sugar. But tastes the same.

not intended for eating, but helpful in another way, our Aloe Vera (babosa "). The local name is less mystical than the Latin name. He refers in a banal fact that when cutting a viscous fluid flows out, like a drooling baby's mouth.

And then there's the lemon tree. With fruit is not expected in the medium term, because he was bald eaten by ants now our love for the second time. Miraculously, he seems not to give up this time.

That's a good motto for the week: Never give up.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Visio 2002 Fire Alarm Device Shapes

News of the site Front

After we recovered from the shock and slept for another two nights of our misery, we are on the decision to come, that we simply loose plaster from the wall to beat, freeze the remainder with remedies that it can not continue abbröseln and before that simply put a plaster wall, then finally disappear subsequently attached heating pipes in the wall! Jääää!

have Furthermore, we decided, just for the kitchen, living room and dining room each increase its own power cord to the fuse box, one can now fine hide behind the false wall, because my father has no idea what kind of cable where it leads and what all just turn up and also how old the cables are all of places!

pointed looks like we are with the living and dining room ready earlier than the rest, because the bathroom is preparing us still a headache, the water meter is in the way and a new home port just not in it! Moreover, in this weather aufbuddeln the court, no thanks! Let's see what we think of as a solution!

pictures I will show you the next day sometimes!

, Carol

How Much Isdaisy Wroth The Cow Beanie Baby

Advent Calendar Elves package

by Dani Peuss Forum is underway or have been submitted at the Hermes shop, so it should at the end of the week drifting with me, oh what I am, a small bright spot every day, at This site Chaos!

For this reason, I once again my blog open for the holiday season and try to zuzeigen every day my cute package!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What To Name 21st Birthday Even On Faceboook

dust, dirt, and unexpected surprise

Es ist sehr ruhig geworden die letzten Wochen und Monate, ich hatte irgendwie keine rechte Lust meinen Blog zu pflegen, es fehlte der Antrieb und vielleicht hätte ich auch einen A...tritt gebraucht!

Ob ich es in den nächsten Wochen schaffen werde, wieder regelmäßig zu schreiben ist fraglich, denn wir wollen unsere Küche, Badezimmer und von dem großen Wohnzimmer meines Schwiegervaters einen Teil abtrennen und einen Durchbruch zur Küche machen und dort dann ein gemütliches Esszimmer einrichten!

Nun haben wir die Schränke soweit alle leer und die im Wohnzimmer alle von der Wand genommen, um nachzusehen, wie die Wände beschaffen sind, gabs hier eine riesen Überraschung, nämlich der halbe Putz bröselt von der Wand, wenn man dagegen haut! Das bedeutet, wir dürfen den gesamten Putz von der Wand kloppen und die Wände müssen neu verputzt werden! Das wirft uns um Wochen zurück!

Eigentlich hatte ich ja gedacht, das wir Weihnachten fertig sind, aber nun wird daraus wahrscheinlich nichts, aber wie sagt man immer so schön: was einen nicht umbringt, man einen stark!

Also drückt mir die Daumen das uns nicht noch mehr Hiobsbotschaften erreichen, wenn wir die Fliesen in Küche und Bad entfernen!

Wünsche euch allen ein schönes geruhsames Wochenende, mine is working already rich enough!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is It Ok For Dogs To Have A Small Piece Of Lemon

Wednesday 11 November 2009


Dienstagabend, 21 Uhr. Plötzlich ist alles dunkel. Stromausfall. Das erste Mal seit unserer Ankunft vor gut einhundert Tagen. Die Hochhäuser ragen als dunkle Säulen in den Nachthimmel. Wie gut, dass wir nicht im siebzehnten Stock wohnen und nun zu Fuß im Schweiße unseres Angesichts unser Zuhause erklimmen müssen.

Ein gut sortierter Haushalt, also auch der unsere, verfügt über Kerzen und Streichhölzer. Da kommt mir, da auch hierzulande die Weihnachtsdekoration in Gang kommt, dieses Kinderlied in den Sinn: „Singen We in the glow of the candles .... Voradventszeit about thirty degrees. Clock 21:57. Light. End of the candlelight romance.

The next morning I learn that it has not been merely a local blackout. Rather were the entire south and central west, including Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brazil affected. A total of 40 million people. In Rio de Janeiro, the lights went up again after midnight.

The cause of the collapse was apparently in the triangle Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina: The Itaipu hydroelectric power plant fell out well. And that is ultimately not just any plant. Pending the completion of the Three Gorges dam in China, it was the largest hydropower plant in the world with a capacity of 14,000 MW. That's a lot. Very much. About as much as 70% of the total output of all (!) Active nuclear power plants in Germany.


As I mentioned earlier, driving the cars in Brazil to a considerable extent with alcohol, more precisely, ethanol produced from local sugar cane. Now I know more about this subject, particular, the CO 2 balance.

in the production (cultivation, harvesting, processing, transport) of 1000 liters of ethanol 6615 kg CO 2 emitted . kg for combustion in engines again 1,520. Makes a total of 8135 kg. This amount to the mileage would be the equivalent of a multiple of what is now admits with a fairly bad conscience itself.

But during the plant growth will be 7650 kg CO 2 absorbed from the atmosphere. In addition, waste generated from production or electricity, which again, 225 kg CO 2 avoided. Together so 7875 kg.

The production and consumption of 1,000 liters of ethanol, thus leading to a net CO 2 emission kg 260th Since the fuel consumption of a car with alcohol 30% is higher we set times to 10 liters per 100 km. We thus arrive at a CO 2 emission level of 26 g / km. Not bad, considering that even the German train drivers produced nearly 50 g / km.

Mittlerweile kann Brasilien auf 35 Jahre Erfahrung in Sachen Biotreibstoff zurückblicken. Was am Anfang ein skeptisch beäugtes Projekt war, dem kaum Erfolgsaussichten eingeräumt wurden, so findet dieser alternative Treibstoffkreislauf inzwischen weltweit Beachtung.

Auch die USA produzieren mittlerweile in großem Stil Ethanol – allerdings nicht aus Zuckerrohr, sondern aus Mais. Kleiner Schönheitsfehler dabei: Während bei Ethanol aus Zuckerrohr das Verhältnis von gewonnener Energie zu energy used is 9.3, it is ethanol from corn just 1.4. In other words: In order to produce alcohol from corn has many times more energy than was spent on sugar cane.

biofuels are now so come after the initial euphoria discredited, there was food shortage, the result in some parts of the world. Brazil is not for this argument. Currently in fact be only 8 million hectares used for sugar cane cultivation. That is one part a little more than the area of Bavaria, amounts other hand, only about 1% of the Brazilian Territory, or approximately 2.5% of the usable agricultural area. Brazil can therefore easily enough ethanol and produce food.

Another argument against the sugar cane cultivation is the associated rain forest destruction. In fact it is so that cattle ranchers and soya producers are the main culprits, sugar cane planters little about it. Not because they were better people, but because ethanol production profitable only in the vicinity of the consumers. And do not live in the Amazon, but in the southeast, northeast and central west of the country.

Damit ist die Diskussion um die soziale und ökologische „Sauberkeit“ natürlich noch lange nicht erschöpft. Da wären etwa noch die bisweilen äußerst prekären Arbeitsverhältnisse auf den Zuckerrohrplantagen.

Auf der anderen Seite sollten wir Europäer nicht päpstlicher als der Papst sein wollen. Wenn der deutsche Autofahrer immer genau wüsste, woher das Erdöl für sein Benzin an der Zapfsäule kommt, und unter welchen Begleitumständen es gefördert wurde, würde ihm gar manches Times the joy of driving pass properly.

PS: The company "Agile" ( - with my SAP colleagues well known - has developed on the basis of SAP All-in-One solution for the ethanol industry, and seems thus making very good business.

THE GREEN giant awakens

Some of the information cited in the previous section are from the book published a few months of "economic power, Brazil - The green giant awakes. The author is Alexander Busch journalist, has lived 16 years in Brazil and supplies including the "Business Week" and the "Handelsblatt". Since I could see what I do not know anything about Brazil. sent me the work, courtesy without charge VAT. I have to pay extra to on my return to Germany is it. Hopefully I will not forget that.


After the communication course, which I reported so extensively, I have not attended other courses. This week I take a crash course on accounting („Contabilidade“). Eine äußerst wichtige Materie – auf jeden Fall. Dennoch hält sich meine Begeisterung dafür in engen Grenzen.

Mein heimlicher Beweggrund ist ein anderer. Ich wollte mal sehen, wie Brasilianer („In Brasilien ist alles locker.“) mit einem derart trockenen Stoff umgehen. Die Antwort auf diese Frage bekam ich dann bereits, als der Referent („Instrutor“) sich vorstellte. Sein Nachname: Schneider. Hätte ich mir ja denken können. Das überlässt man den Deutschen bzw. deren Nachfahren.


Die Mango-Ernte steht unmittelbar bevor. Seit Wochen hängen unzählige Mangos („Mangas“) an unseren beiden Mangobäumen und stellen provozierend ihre rot-grünen Früchte zur Schau. Doch rot-grün reicht nicht. Es muss auch gelb dazukommen, um den Genuss perfekt zu machen. (Das ist jetzt garantiert keine politische Anspielung.)

Jetzt kann es aber nicht mehr lange dauern. Nur noch wenige Tage. Vielleicht schon morgen. Nächste Woche aber auf jeden Fall…

Thank you to everyone for participating in the vote on my blog. 72% "very good", 8% "Good," 20% "Scales". Not bad for a start, right?

I wish you all a nice Voradventszeit.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Does Pregnancy Cm Look Likr

Tuesday 3 November 2009


Es ist 21 Uhr abends und seit knapp zwei Stunden dunkel. Das Thermometer – wenn wir eines hätten – würde vermutlich 30 Grad Celsius anzeigen. Noch einmal schnell in den Pool. Das Wasser dürfte wohl ein paar Grad kühler sein. Hoch über uns der Vollmond. Mondbaden eben.


Es ist Sonntag. Wir stehen um 6 Uhr morgens on. This is not as difficult as it is already bright and warm. We want to get out to the countryside. Ca. 80 km to the east, along the railway line towards Corumbá.

aim of the trip is a "Chácara. A small rural estate of 12 hectares. A gifted by nature spot. Located

on a fish-filled river. And then also blessed with a source of mineral water quality. As this precious water in the Überfluss vorhanden ist, wird ein großzügiges Schwimmbecken damit gefüllt. Mineralbaden.

Der Besitzer des Anwesens ist bereits pensioniert. Er öffnet seinen „Kindheitstraum“ (so der Name des Anwesens) nur für ausgewählte Gäste. Glücklicherweise kennen wir jemanden, der den Auswahlkriterien genügt.

Mittagessen gibt es natürlich auch.

Bis auf Reis und Bohnen alles aus eigener Production. All together for the equivalent of EUR 8 per person. Drinks extra.


While in Germany All Saints Day, it's the All Souls Day, so the 2 November (Dia dos Finados "). 32 degrees in the shade. You go to the cemetery anyway. Grieve not only for cold, wet weather.

November weather

It has become hot. Cooling due to rain is expected until midweek. I am amazed about wie gut ich mich an die Hitze gewöhnt habe. Ich dusche bis zu fünfmal pro Tag. Das ist nichts Außergewöhnliches. Das erste Mal nach dem Aufstehen. Das zweite Mal nach dem Besuch der Academia. Das dritte Mal nach dem Mittagessen. Das vierte Mal am frühen Abend. Das fünfte Mal vor dem Schlafengehen.

Trotzdem ist unser Wasserverbrauch geringer als in Deutschland. Ein Duschvorgang hier dauert keine 3 Minuten. Man verwendet dafür hier den Ausdruck „Wasser auf den Körper schütten“ („jogar água no corpo“).


What determines the lifestyle in the local widths? Heat? Yes. Light? Definitely. Wide? Probably. But there's more. Something that can not be expressed in physical units.

When I get up zwischen 6 und 6:30 clock clock, it is bright and warm. I open the door to the courtyard. The sky is big and wide. I go to the bathroom in the rear of the house. I shower with the water as it comes from the line. Artificial heating is not required. The only piece of clothing that the body then mostly cloudy, a "Bermuda" is. Plus flip-flops ("Chinelos") course.

now coffee. Hand made. Heat water on the gas stove, coffee ("café brasileiro) brew in the coffee filter. Another beautiful day.


The governor of our state of Mato Grosso do Sul, André Puccinelli, has just returned from a trip to China, whose aim was to attract investors. In the first half 2009 was China's most important trading partner of Brazil - with a trade volume of over 17 billion U.S. dollars.

André used to be called Andrea, and is a native Italian. And he has presented his Chinese counterparts a further idea of cooperation between Brazil and China: Mato Grosso do Sul supplies sugar cane, and China is resulting ago polyethylene, the world's most widely used plastic. The result would then read "Biopolyethylen," or simply "green plastic" ("plástico verde").

Der Vorteil bestünde in der besseren CO 2 -Bilanz bei der Herstellung, da auf die Verwendung von Erdöl verzichtet werden könnte. Bei der Entsorgung wäre wohl kein Unterschied.

Es steht jedoch zu befürchten, dass Puccinelli eine „hidden agenda“ verfolgt. Er liegt nämlich seit Monaten im Clinch mit dem Bundesumweltminister Carlos Minc. Es geht dabei um die Frage, ob der Pantanal, eines der weltweit größten Binnensumpfgebiete und eine Region mit atemberaubender „Biodiversität“ für die „wirtschaftliche Nutzung“, namentlich für den Zuckerrohranbau, freigegeben werden soll.

Puccinelli ist vehement dafür, Minc ist dagegen. Der Gouverneur führt die Auseinandersetzung darüber streckenweise sehr weit unter der Gürtellinie. Da Bundesrecht auch hierzulande Landesrecht bricht, besteht noch Hoffnung für den Pantanal.

Ich wünsche Euch allen eine schöne Woche - Novemberwetter hin oder her.