Sunday, February 21, 2010

Aloha Restaurant Software For Sale Ontario

Sonntag, 21. Februar 2010


Carnival (carnaval) 2010 is history. The awards for best samba schools are located. After the carnival is before the carnival. But while in Cologne, Mainz and Dusseldorf, the revelry with the dawn of Ash Wednesday suddenly dies, is in Brasilien längst noch nicht alles vorbei. Doch dazu später.

Karneval in Brasilien, das heißt – von Europa aus betrachtet – in erster Linie: Rio de Janeiro, kaum bekleidete Samba-Tänzerinnen, riesige Menschenmengen im ausgelassenen Freudentaumel bei 40 Grad. Aber da ist noch mehr.

Was in deutsche Wohnzimmer übertragen wird, ist nur der professionelle Karneval – der Umzug („desfile“) der Samba-Schulen („escolas de samba“). A samba school is a large organization with thousands of members, which is historically rooted strongly in the suburbs and always involves social goals. There

Samba schools not only in Rio, but in most Brazilian cities. Now, Campo Grande is not a stronghold of Rio Carnival, Cologne, or paint. But here they take on the "escolas de samba. And they will, I hear better every year.

addition but there are still a lot of "blocos" - smaller and more amateurish groups that get together and with their own songs, costumes and floats to the audience present on the street. Street carnival indicated.

The Saturday and Sunday are usually the "escolas de samba, Monday and Tuesday, the" blocos ". While in the "Sambodromo" Rio fit just 75,000 spectators, gathered at the street carnival in Rio, Sao Paulo and Salvador millions of people.

Zahlenmäßig hat hier übrigens Salvador die Nase vorn. Laut „Guinness-Buch der Rekorde“ von 2005 ist das größte Straßenfest der Welt – na? richtig! – der Karneval von Salvador da Bahia ist.

Der „Carnaval de Campo Grande 2010“ fällt teilweise – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – ins Wasser. Um diese Zeit regnet es halt recht viel – von Dezember bis Februar fast so viel wie in Deutschland in einem ganzem Jahr.

nothing going on Saturday night. On Sunday, it first looks similar. Then the rain dried up but still, the samba school, about a dozen, may show what they can do.

next day, the "blocos" it. The spectacle begins in the evening to 21 clock. The Mayor wants good luck, let's go. But just do not rush. Only once one has drums so warm, warm, sing, dance warm. I get the impression that some hours of preparation to the few-minute appearance, the main event. All are in a good mood, relaxed, unobtrusive.

lead was dancing the "queen" ("rainha") and "King Momo" a corpulent Mr. - so to speak, the carnival prince and princess. Momo is supposed to the God of the fun back in Greek mythology. As this figure has come to Brazil, but a mystery to me.

Wie überhaupt der brasilianische Karneval einer anderen Tradition folgt als der deutsche. Der Pariser Karneval war es angeblich, der Städte wie New Orleans, Toronto und eben auch Rio zur Nachahmung inspiriert hat.

Und dann wäre da noch das Wort „Karneval“. Die Herkunft des Begriffs ist nicht eindeutig geklärt. Folgende Geschichten sind im Angebot: 1. „Carrus navalis“, ein Umzugswagen in Form eines Schiffes, mit Narren an Bord, das Narrenschiff also. Kleiner Schönheitsfehler: Der Ausdruck klingt zwar sehr lateinisch, soll aber im klassischen Latein gar nicht existiert haben. 2. „Carne vale“, „Fleisch lebe wohl“. Ein Hinweis darauf, dass der gläubige Katholik während der Fastenzeit sich von fleischlichen Genüssen abzuwenden hat.

Während also der Kölner Jeck bereits Buße tut, seine Sünden bereut und nach Kräften fastet, fiebert der Brasilianer der Preisverleihung („premiação“) entgegen. Am Aschermittwoch werden die Gewinner bekannt gegeben: Die beste „escola de samba“, the best "bloco" the best "bateria (percussion) and much more.

The corresponding rates - at least here in Campo Grande - then awarded on the following Friday. This must of course be celebrated once again strong. In this respect, cut short - mathematically - Lent before.

Maybe it's also just the fact that the Brazilians have the best relationship to the top. Finally, God is a Brazilian, as everyone here knows.


More and more I come to the realization that my wife Oriana has miraculous healing powers. It is not simply fallen into her lap. As so often in life, is at the beginning transpiration, followed by intuition and inspiration, ideally complemented by an adequate compensation.

As in Germany, they can also plagued by years of human Pain free in whole or in part. My sincere admiration is their conscience. I myself was recently in the enjoyment of their medicine. I have but a week ago my left foot folded over so the outside world that I could hear as the corresponding band was partially ripped or torn, at least up to the bursting point. Within minutes, the ankles as thick as if I had the infamous water in the legs. I already saw me hobble the next 8 weeks with crutches by Brazil.

Oriana, my life - even in this situation. Here are a few granules, there a couple of laser beams. This great sensitivity and devotion. What can I say? Hardly a week later I could already dance Samba. If I could for.


beginning with this Sunday's Daylight Saving Time ends here. Such as Europe, so here's the benefit of this measure controversial. 0.5% energy savings in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul is the question. Oh well. Half a percent of a lot is still a lot. Undeniably, however, is that the time difference between here and Germany now amounts to 5 hours.

Wir freuen uns auf unsere Reise nach Rio de Janeiro in der kommenden Woche und wünschen Euch allen besinnliches Fasten.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bajaj Alliance Scheme Is It Fake

Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010


experience in mind, we are again some very unfavorable and the other leg of our wonderful trip. The beautiful scenery, good food in Minas Gerais, the breathtaking beaches in Bahia. But even the longest school holidays are at some point come to an end. The new school year begins on Monday 1 February. And although getting up at 6 with clock. Classes begin Pop International 7 clock.

In winter, Germany, one could make these times may call into question or even as "unchristian." But not in late summer Campo Grande. Although we do not have DST, with the result that at the time of the alarm clock ringing is not yet completely clear. Hot it is. And until it is hot, it's only a matter of hours. So take advantage of the coolness of the morning when the brain is still fresh and still does not want to surrender to the pressure of solar radiation.

Marcus is now in the "Ensino Médio". We are talking about the last 3 of the 12 years in the Brazilian school system. His first impression on the level and requirements are significantly higher. Quite right. We want yes finally get what for our money.

starts a week later, the additional English lessons for our children. The Foreign Language Teaching in Schools Brazil is undoubtedly expanded. In the last school year saw the schedule before our children two hours of English. This year, one hour each in English and English. Since you can not expect great leaps. So send anyone who can afford it, his children to a private school.

language schools are booming. Many Brazilians believe, in terms of mega-events "COPA2014" and "RIO2016" having to learn English. And because many Brazilians are struggling with English, the business of the English courses is assured for the foreseeable future.

In our neighborhood there is a branch of the CCAA, a private language school franchise basis. Oriana has in her youth there already learned English. At that time the rule was that the best or the class has to pay anything. This chance they could not miss. This scheme is not nowadays. The instruction moves but remains at high levels. The teachers speak impeccable English. American English "course. The United Kingdom is in our view a rather small island somewhere out there on the sea.

Our children must remain in terms of our return to Germany, and indeed also in French terms on the ball. The classical language of diplomacy in this part of Brazil now rather exotic. Here in the city, the offer is limited to a branch of the "Alliance Francaise" ("Aliança francesa "), which offer exclusive private lessons or lessons in small groups. I get the impression that our children have become accustomed very quickly to this VIP treatment.

So an education in width, as we are used to from Germany to achieve in Brazil, one must first put money on the table and prove the second organizational skills, to bring all the competing events under one roof. For the physical aspect will all also something to be done: karate, gym, swimming. Did I forget something?


that the English language so many Brazilians problems arise, is certainly due to certain rules for the pronunciation of Brazilian Portuguese, which is compatible with the English in any way. And this in the minds of hard-wired rules suddenly throw overboard, which is obviously very difficult.

One of pronunciation rules is that a word whose last letter b, c, f, g, or pt is, in the debate, an unstressed "i" needs to get pushed back. Ending the word on d or t is even a slight added "sh". In the case example, it is "big" in the debate on "bigi", "laptop" to "läptitopi", "internet" to "Internet-shi", etc.

Let us not funny about it. First, we find it all hard to train our favorite habits. Second, the Brazilian Portuguese, precisely because of these and other rules of pronunciation very soft, melodic, even downright sensuous language.

The rules just do not adapt to the English, as indeed not even for Germans. The reverse is true, however, as well. Take me for example. My elegant German accent ("sotaque") will keep me - whether I will or not.


that despite all the differences of English and Portuguese, these two languages can still harmonize beautifully, Frank and Tom have the latest evidence. 40 And although over years ago. We are talking about Frank Sinatra and Tom Jobim.

While "The Voice" in European regions, needs no introduction, is named Antônio Carlos Jobim, the most famous Brazilian composers of the 20th Century, do not start right away something for everyone. And yet knows virtually every one of his works: "Garota de Ipanema" - "The Girl from Ipanema". And these two gentlemen did not seem to each other very much appreciated, together making music together and include this piece eingespielt. Achtung, fertigmachen, was kommt, geht unter die Haut:

Ipanema ist übrigens der Name eines Strandes in Rio de Janeiro, gleich neben der Copacabana. Ende Februar werden wir dort sein. Dann dazu mehr.


Bum. That has been the bang from Walldorf. "The old man is back", Handelsblatt headline on 2/8/2010 and says the 66-year-old Hasso Plattner. Was he ever gone? Whatever. If the the Udo Jürgens knew. He was last year 75, and when he is "still on the rise."

His legendary song the way, is also already over 30 years old. Here's the proof from the ZDF Hitparade of 1977.

I wish you all - cold or not - a hot carnival weekend.