Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Carbon Monoxide Detector Reading 999?

Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

South America 4, Europe 3

Wednesday 23 June 2010. Second day of the decisive third round of the preliminaries. Yesterday, France adopted a defeat against the hosts South Africa, trained by Brazilian Carlos Alberto Parreira, the Brazilian title in 1994. Even more than the resignation of the vice world champion surprised the Brazilians, however, the fact that the French coach his Brazilian colleagues at the end of the game refused to shake hands. Bad manners, and as Repräsent of the country before the cameras - unthinkable for Brazilians.

While we debated in this country already has the game of the Seleção against the Portuguese team, it is for us first so that Germany survived the first round. A win against Ghana must be found.

What Grimm fairy tales have to do with summer? Both do not save with cruelty. So today. Fan suffers properly, until Özil makes clear that there will be a next game.

Friday 25 June 2010. Now it has also hit Italy. But at least they have given to posterity a dramatic and exciting final game and said goodbye with grace.

Jeztz is all the attention on the much-anticipated game against Portugal for Brazil. Kick-off time by 10 clock.

The school provides our children to operate at 9 A clock, so that students and teachers can in time come to the home TV. The otherwise mandatory school uniform may now be replaced with the exception of canary yellow jersey Seleção.

The game turns into a goalless bore in which no team ("team") will really hurt the other. The Brazilian fan ("torcedor") is of course disappointed, but focuses its analysis on the fact that the group winner and thus the target has been achieved up here.

Saturday 26 June 2010. It begins the knockout stage (fase eliminatória "). Uruguay is recommended as first team for the quarterfinals. All five South African men are still in the race, while only six of the thirteen European teams could take the first hurdle. Such a thing is south of the equator "registered carefully.

We are often asked these days, with which team we in the German-Brazilian family there for. We expected before then that we have together won eight times ("octacampeão"). The answer is convinced.

Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010. Heute also Deutschland gegen England. Der Klassiker. Und das bereits im Achtelfinale. Schuld daran sind natürlich die Engländer, die in ihrer Gruppe nicht gewinnen konnten.

Mein Tag beginnt um 6:20 Uhr. Sonntagmorgen, geschätzte 22 Grad, Sonne, strahlend blauer Himmel. Wir haben ein paar Freunde eingeladen, um mit ihnen auf unserer Veranda bei einem Churrasco das Spiel zu verfolgen. Dank unserer Freunde aus Heidelberg, welche uns Anfang Mai besuchten und uns im Nachgang eine Grundausstattung an Fan-Utensilien zuschickten, erstrahlt unsere Veranda in schwarz-rot-gold.

Anstoß Punkt 10 Uhr. Bis dahin muss alles gerichtet sein. Erst aber mal Kaffee machen, die Online-Presse im Vorfeld des Spiels überfliegen. Aha, die englischen Boulevardblätter sind dieses Mal zurück­haltender als bei früheren Ausgaben dieses Klassikers.

Unser Supermarkt öffnet auch sonntags um 7 Uhr seine Tore. Ich bin einer der ersten Kunden. Grillkohle (“carvão”), allerlei Grillgut, Getränke. An der Fleisch­theke komme ich mit dem jungen Mann, der mich bedient, ins Gespräch. Ich offenbare meine Nationalität, er zeigt mir sein Namensschild: “Brettschneider”. Ich erkläre ihm die Bedeutung seines Namens, have brought to his ancestors from Germany. He is pleased and promised to support, now the German team.

still quick at the gas station to load a bag of ice in the trunk. Back at home, first things first: fill beverages in the Styrofoam container, sprinkle the shredded ice on lid. No later than the half-time the target temperature will be reached. Just the grill ("churrasqueira") to prepare, clean the grill utensils, various little things - done.

The preliminary report on TV begins with images of a German town in Blumenau, a world shaped by German immigrants in the city south of Brazil. Good cheer in costume, in front of half-timbered houses. Small De lish land out of a picture book.

The game begins. Shortly after Klose's energy output to 1:0 I am the fire. While the flames had spread langssam, Podolski can transform the presentation of Muller with relative ease. Now for the first time must make peace in heat, I can turn my full attention to the game where the first one and then drops another clean sheet and is not given. Imagine the consequences if it remained in the game.

In the mid-term break, I can prepare in peace and lay the first skewers. Before the main course of churrasco lovers will fact happy to miss a few bits of grilled sausage ("lingüiça") to himself. Just do not miss. The temperature on the field increases with the temperature in the grill ("churrasqueira"). Or vice versa. 3-1 I find it almost a skewer into the fire. After the 4-1 first reach me congratulations by telephone.

That afternoon Argentina decides the game for themselves surprised no one. The sympathies of the Brazilians are coming Saturday during a match of Germany against Argentina, the majority are on the side of the Germans, although some are in fact secretly but a Brazil-Argentina. It would be the first in the history of the World Cup.

Monday 28 June 2010. Holland reached the gentle cycle against Slovakia the last eight. The game in this country is closely following, but here is the next opponent of the Seleção determined. That could go wrong in today's game against Brazil, Chile, something that no one seriously expects. Nevertheless, we will not let the game missed.

the sample I'm the pudding. Half an hour before kick-off I go to the city center. I meet many shops already closed and some who are about to cease their operation. Where else there at this hour heavy traffic, now dominated by a gaping void. In bars and gas stations to gather around the television. With the kick-off public life comes to a halt.

The game itself is a clear matter. Chile is one of Brazil's favorite opponent. 47 wins and just 7 losses. The class difference is also now abundantly clear. Three beautiful goals. Now only three games to to win the title. Whether against Deutschlan or Argentina is of secondary importance.

Tuesday 29 June 2010. Paraguay reached the first time a quarter final. The local Paraguayan community hailed the result, has largely ignored over the horrible game. Spain prevails against Portugal. The regret over the resignation of the former colonial power has its limits.

This is the last known remaining eight. For the first time in history, four teams of South America are represented. Given three times Europe, even Africa.

The evening news reported dutifully by the games of the day, and then very quickly get to the issues that move the nation in these days, who now again sore ankle from midfielder Elano, who also battered ankle by Felipe Melo, as well as the injured knee by Júlio Baptista.

But the Dutch were warned: the Brazilian Seleção, despite all the wounds still a large number of well-functioning knees and ankles.

election day. Despite criticism of Germany's former Federal President Köhler's resignation fallen is - one has to really give him: he has chosen the date of his resignation so cleverly that can be done in accordance with the Basic Law, the election of his successor on a free day.

Monday, June 21, 2010

How To Make An Ice Cube Costume

Montag, 21. Juni 2010

football is all

Monday 14 June 2010.

After inspiring Auftaktspiel der deutschen Nationalmannschaft (»seleção alemã«) mit dem 4:0-Sieg über Australien am gestrigen Sonntag nehme ich heute von allen Seiten Glückwünsche entgegen wie sonst allenfalls an meinem Geburtstag. Auch meinen Kinder wird von ihren Schulkameraden gratuliert. Brasilianer sind großzügig und fair. Sie erkennen an, wenn andere Großes leisten.

Und sie bleiben höflich, wenn andere unter den Erwartungen bleiben. Wie im Falle von Frankreich, England und Italien, welche allesamt nicht über ein Unentschieden hinauskommen.

Die Erwartungen an das morgige erste Spiel der brasilianischen Seleção are thus naturally become even higher.

point 14:30 local time will come in public life to a halt when the game against Brazil will kick off North Korea. Most firms end the working day ahead of time. Even the banks close. It would anyway get no customers. There is no other event in which the attention of the 190 million Brazilians - and Brazilians - binds such as a football game at the World Cup. Even the carnival can not compete.

Tuesday 15 June 2010.

WM-day number five begins with a draw number five and number six. This will not go but so on?

to 13 clock I'm on my way to the "Cidade da Copa," "to the" World Cup city. Six months ago, this place is home to a kind of Christmas market. The cottages and huts have now been summarily decorated in yellow and green - that is the World Cup city. Add to that a gigantic monitor - that is the public viewing. About the timely completion of all work no Less than watching the First Lady ("Primeira Dama") of the city, the wife of the Mayor ("Prefeito"). 30,000 spectators are expected.

When I arrived an hour before kick-off at the scene, I'm very surprised. All seats are already occupied. Very unusual for Brazil, the usually appear at the last minute. But the World Cup all sorts of laws the equipment.

The mood is relaxed, canary yellow, the dominant color. Frenetic jubilation when the whistle goes. The first goal against the footballing Nobody from North Korea may well be only a matter of minutes.

After 20 minutes, the fans slowly but surely getting impatient. The noise level rises significantly. As half-time still no goal is scored, the Brazilian fan, although confused, convinced Israeli assumption that everything in the second period will be rescheduled. S just the first game. And then there is still uncomfortably cold in Johannesburg.

freed after a total of 55 minutes Maicon with his shot from an impossible position actually an entire nation. God is holding but Brazilian.

With Goal number two shortly after the footballing world order restored. That North Korea still applies and the Created is only 2:1, does not detract from the mood. The main thing won. It celebrated als hätte Brasilien den Titel schon in der Tasche. Auto-Korsos, Tanzen auf der Straße, Feuerwerk.

Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2010.

Die WM hat ihre erste Sensation. Der große Favorit Spanien scheitert an der Schweiz. Otmar Hitzfeld, der alte Trainerfuchs, hat es wieder einmal geschafft. Erst die Spanier anrennen lassen, bis sie ermüden, dann die Chance zum Konter eiskalt nutzen. Und schon hinter wieder zumachen.

Die Spiele dieser Gruppe werden natürlich hier besonders aufmerksam verfolgt, da in der nächsten Runde Brasilien, das sich selbstverständlich qualify, will meet one of these teams will.

stands in the whole coverage of yesterday's play of the Seleção out the local Portal capital news that brings the mood to the point: "Brazil opens with a meager victory, the fans had their doubts, celebrate, just the same. "Quite right.

-Tue, 17 June 2010.

After the game is before the game. On Sunday, it goes against the team of the Ivory Coast (Costa do Marfim ") has the least the Portuguese, fourth in the last World Cup, a tie wrested.

First, however, is tomorrow morning, 7:30 h local time Campo Grande, Germany-Serbia on the program. We look forward to even more magical football.

The fact that the German team by far the best game has delivered the first round of the preliminaries will be accepted without envy in Brazil.

is now France - just as in 2002 - withdrew after the second game as good as. The Brazilians have with today's loss to Mexico quite relieved to Noted, but the reigning world champion was runner-up three times - 1986, 1998 and 2006 - last stop for the Seleção.

Friday 18 June 2010.

morning quarter bring to seven the children to school, kick-off at half past eight. This fits exactly. Outside, bright sunshine. Inside, everything is ready for another wonderful performance by the German multi-cultural team. Well - was not to be. The road to success is rarely a straight line. containing the German fairy tales is interrupted summer 2010 for a few days.

Samstag, 19. Juni 2010.

Die von den Deutschen im Auftaktspiel arg gebeutelten Australier erringen dankenswerter Weise ein Unentschieden gegen Ghana und geben der deutschen Mannschaft damit die Möglichkeit, aus eigener Kraft den Gruppensieg zu erringen.

Aus brasilianischer Sicht ist dies jedoch nur eine Randnotiz. Schließlich läuft die Seleção morgen zum zweiten Mal auf. Ein klarer Sieg wird erwartet und – ein schönes Spiel. Mit anderen Worten: Bitte schön mindestens ein Tor bereits in der ersten Halbzeit, und wenn möglich mehr als zwei insgesamt.

Sunday 20 June 2010.

Sunday morning playing my favorite radio station "Rádio MS always" Ritmos da Fronteira "translated," Rhythms of the border. " This refers to the border of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul with Paraguay. Campo Grande is home to a huge community of "paraguaios" to pursue the course that morning, the play of their team against those of Slovakia. Paraguay had the first game to the reigning world champion already wrested 1:1, 2-0 to win now - and takes over the tables ¬ guide, since the "Azzurri" can not win against New Zealand. Slowly, one might worry about European football teams, if you wanted to.

remains for such considerations little time, finally, at 14:30 h Brazil against Elfeinbeinküste (Costa do Marfim ") kicks off. A country should stand united. Even the church and the local sex shop, or discreetly on each want their own way, because not stand aside. Sunday worship in the pastor ask the divine blessing for the victory of the Seleção. The mannequin is dressed in Sex shop in green-yellow "Lingerie".

meet Brazilian team expectations, that's the main thing. Brazil qualified for the next round. Yellow-red for Kaka, handling the ball with Luis Fabiano - Details, which will answer the broad mantle of the story before soon being forgotten.

Monday 21 June 2010.

Portugal seven goals against North Korea - the swallow, which makes the presence of European teams for the summer? And today the day that begins in the southern hemisphere winter?

Now that each team has played two games, looks much like it, that have a World Cup is the teams of South America. These are, in alphabetical order: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay.

The burden of proof is almost overwhelming. First: None of the South American teams has been lost. Second, three of the four teams who have won both games come from South America. Thirdly, all South American teams in their groups each occupy first place.

But maybe everything is also different. is clear is that today, at the beginning of winter, the thermometer here clearly exceeded 30 degrees. For the season to warm. For us just right.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Long Term Effects Of Syphilis On Body Organs

Dienstag, 8. Juni 2010


Only a few days there are up to kick off the World Cup. The country is in green and yellow ("verde-amarelo"), the predominant colors of the Brazilian flag, decorated. The brewers take extra shifts. While many other industries have suffered from this event is more likely, for the beverage industry, the World Cup like a month extra.

Skol, the dominant beer brand brings, even a new beer can on the market: one that speaks to the consumer. Of course, not every piece is so special. You must hold out only enough units of analysis, then even one of those "latas falantes" This talking cans will be there.

For Brazil, the wind chill is beginning long before the official opening on 11 June 2010. As early as mid-May when the coach Carlos Dunga announced the squad there, "fire" under the roof. How can it only the young star Neymar, the eighteen year already as the new Pele is celebrated, let your home?

The coach has his reasons. The pressure to succeed at a World Cup is great. And for the Brazilian team great. Sure, Pele then in 1958, out of seventeen-year-old, Brazil, for the first title. At that time. Today, Brazil is a five time world champion ("Pentacampeão"). And 190 million Brazilians expect track number six ("Hexacampeão"). Dealing with that pressure needs experience. Dunga says.

Biting sarcasm is not long in coming. Here in Campo Grande was a billboard, which even manages the national evening news ("Jornal Nacional") and so brings to nationwide fame. On it is, mutatis mutandis, to read: "Do it like Dunga. Let the finger of crack. "Also known in Portuguese" craque "the equally eminent experts (" crack ") and the drug.

this, one must know that Dunga made several advertising against drugs. What you must know about him is that he probably still can secretly fly dumplings, he has played 1993 to 1995 for the VfB Stuttgart.

His real name by the way Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri, "from which one can see that he has German and Italian ancestors. Brazil, which professed a country of immigration.

The nickname was it missed by a skeptical uncle, who apparently did not believe that the boy would one day even become a normal body size. Dunga is in fact the name of one of Snow White's seven dwarfs. The Brothers Grimm saw no need to give them names. Walt Disney already. Dunga is the one who does not wear a beard, does not speak and has big ears.

Dunga, intended as an interim solution on the coach seat. Now for almost 4 years. Under his leadership, the Brazilian team, the "Seleção" has lost 57 straight games times 5th This gives respect in a country with more than 100 million football experts.

Even when President Lula, which receives about two weeks before the World Cup team in Brasília, greeted each player individually, hugging and line with their wishes and advice. This is not just for show - elections or no - there's more. Football is a game even in Brazil, but a game of life. Strategien, die im Fußball zu sportlichem Erfolg führen, greifen oft auch im »richtigen« Leben.

Selbst in der Musik. Luis, mein Cavaquinho-Lehrer, ein Anhänger des Traditionsclubs Flamengo aus Rio de Janeiro, also ein »Flamenguista«, bemüht regelmäßig Bilder aus dem Fußball, um etwa die Funktion bestimmter Akkorde zu illustrieren.

Brasilien ist eine Großmacht im Fußball. Und das, obwohl vor dem ersten Triumpf eine traumatische Niederlage stand. 1950. Fußballweltmeisterschaft im eigenen Land. Die erste nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg. Ganze 13 Mannschaften nehmen in part: 6 from Europe, 5 from South America, to Mexico and the United States. While Europe is still scarred by war, Brazil can draw on a wide range of talent with game experience. Brazil is also why - together with Britain - a clear favorite for the title.

However, England lost both the game against the United States so well against Spain and must return home prematurely. So, Make way for Brazil, one would agree. Until the finale is so. Then the crucial match against Uruguay, the first world champion in the early history of the 1930 football World Cup for men. The Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, then noch Hauptstadt Brasiliens, droht mit knapp 200.000 Besuchern aus allen Nähten zu platzen. Der Gegner: jenes winzige Land südlich von Brasilien, nicht mal halb so groß wie Mato Grosso do Sul. David gegen Goliath. Goliath unterliegt mit 1:2. Ein Land unter Schock. Augenzeugen berichten, dass noch Tage nach dem Spiel eine gespenstische Ruhe in Rio de Janeiro herrscht.

Zwei Jahre vergehen, bis die brasilianische Nationalmannschaft es wieder wagt, zu einem Spiel anzutreten. Und auch dann nur in neuen Farben. Bis dahin hatte Brasilien in weißen Trikots gespielt. Dieses Symbol der Schmach wird abgestreift und durch blau und gelb, zwei Farben aus der brasilianischen Flagge ersetzt. Und so ist es bis today. Unless it goes against Sweden, which uses the same color combination.

And it should go to Sweden. Even in Sweden. 1958th Four years earlier, in Switzerland, for Brazil in the quarter-finals. Terminus of Hungary, the subsequent final opponent of the German team. Eight years after the trauma of 1950 already 16 teams enter. 12 from Europe, 4 from Latin America. creates holders Germany made it to the semi-final against Sweden, has to give the hosts defeated clearly with 1:3.

In the final, Sweden meets Brazil. There may Sweden zuerst jubeln, bevor Brasilien viermal zuschlägt. Am Ende gewinnt Brasilien mit 5:2, mit zwei Toren des jungen Pelé, der noch zwei weitere Weltmeisterschaften gewinnen sollte – 1962 in Chile sowie 1970 in Mexiko. Die Mannschaft von 1970 gilt bis heute als das beste Team aller Zeiten. Pelés dritter Titelgewinn. Im Finale, dem ersten, bei dem zwei ehemalige Weltmeister aufeinandertreffen, schlägt Brasilien Italien deutlich mit 4:1. Die deutsche Mannschaft hat dabei durchaus Anteil an Brasiliens Triumpf, zwingt sie doch im Halbfinale Italien in eine kräftezehrende Verlängerung – und das in der dünnen Luft von Mexico City in 2.300 m über dem Meeresspiegel.

Die Years from 1958 to 1970 still retrospect as the golden era ("Era de Ouro") called. For it followed immediately by a 24-year World Cup. 1974 in Germany: defeat in the semi-final against Holland. Argentina 1978: retired to the neighbors and arch rivals Argentina. Spain 1982: magic football, but not very effective, losing to Italy. 1986 in Mexico: the penalty shoot-out against France. 1990 in Italy: From the back against Argentina, the later final opponents of the German team. With the support of countless Brazilian fans had to win the German team is simple. Andi Brehme, 85 Minutes from the penalty spot. We like to remember.

Then in 1994 in the USA. Finally. Brazil again in the final against Italy. Scoreless after 120 minutes. Captain Dunga turns the last penalty for Brazil, Roberto Biaggio before the ball shoots into the sky over Los Angeles. Brazil is "Tetracampeão."

1998 will be my "most personal" WM. Our daughter is the 9.7.1998, three days before the World Cup final against Brazil, France, see the light of the world. But it is obviously not ready. Then stop three days later when the mother gets the World Cup victory extremely excited. Ronaldo Zidane but instead makes the game and scored two of the three goals for France.

had not only missed Brazil the fifth title - we had to wait another 6 days until we finally were allowed to keep our daughter in his hands.

by 2002, the World Cup for the first time in history taking place in two countries - Japan and South Korea. After 7 wins, Brazil is in the final. The German team had actually expected much earlier back in the homeland. But lo and behold, suddenly and unexpectedly Rud Voeller is with his boys in the final. The thanks goes to this point also to the host South Korea, which only Italy and then also from Spain Turnier warfen. Beinahe hätten sie im Halbfinale auch noch Deutschland besiegt, hätte nicht Michael Ballack das Siegtor erzielt. Und das zu einem Zeitpunkt, da er bereits wusste, dass er wegen der eben erhaltenen gelben Karte im Finale nicht würde dabei sein können.

So also das erste Aufeinandertreffen von Deutschland und Brasilien bei einer Fußball-WM. Wäre es mit Ballack anders gelaufen? Wer weiß. So aber holte Ronaldo nach, was er vier Jahre zuvor schuldig geblieben war: den fünften Titel (»Pentacampeão«).

2006 in Deutschland. Es sollte für Brasilien eine der schlechteren werden. Bereits in the quarter-finals ending the winning streak. Again against France. For the first time since 1990 it is not Brazil in the semifinals.

So now 2010th The pressure to succeed is unimaginably vast. You will have to finish the sixth star jersey again. Brazil, currently economic and foreign policy on track. largely by the economic crisis, completely unaffected by the financial crisis, economic growth has already achieved another 6%. President enjoys an approval at home ¬ ¬ munge incredible rate of 76% and has made a success in foreign policy, most recently the agreement with Turkey and Iran in the so-called Nuclear issue, although this - as expected - by the Americans played down, is even torn verbal. The sixth world title ("Hexacampeão") would be against this background it were the icing on the cake.

mixed in the desire but also anxious skepticism. But is it good, say the savvy in the Brazilian World Cup history. Because whenever the Seleção was celebrated prematurely as the secure world champion, it was in the end, nothing. That was in 1998 so, and in 2006. So now worried tendons. The best conditions for the "Hexacampeão."

added In the discussion about the player selection is now turned on and President Lula himself. In an interview, he came to excuse coach Dunga and criticized the manner of his countrymen to do his coach ("mania de querer ser técnico"). He recalled that Brazil several times in the past mustered a team that needed to be perfect, but then nothing gained. This happened in 1982 and 1986. He also promises to keep track of all matches of the Brazilian team on the TV and perform other tasks during this time. Then nothing more can go wrong!

PS: Today is the first Commercial for the "talking box" there. And the joke is - of course - at the expense of Lieblingsrvalen Argentina. But see for yourself: