Friday, February 6, 2009

Is There Any Brasilian Hair Dresser In Ottawa?

Donauflottille-Admiralsschiff "S. Maria" 1716

Die Donaufregatte "S. Maria" (auch "St. Maria") war das Admiralsschiff der 1716 im Fahnstangenwasser in Wien gebauten Flotte, welche 10 große Schiffe (Zweidecker) umfasste.
Das Schiff wurde vom englischen Schiffsbauer Thomas David (Davids) aus Portmoth gebaut. Es entsprach einem englischen 50-Kanonenschiff mit geringeren Tiefgang und vereinfachter Takelage, bestehend aus Sprietmast, Fockmast, Großmast und Besan. Als zusätzlicher Antrieb wurden im Batteriedeck Pforten für Riemen eingebracht. Die Bestückung bestand aus 12-pfd. im Batteriedeck, 6-pfd. in der Kuhl und 3-pfd auf der Poop und auf der Back. Bauzeit war ca. 6 Monate. Baumaterial war Eiche für Spanten und Beplankung, Fichte and fir for masts and yards.
Preparations for construction, began in the summer 1715th The Court Chamber erhilt the order, Colonel-ship office to hand 12-15000 .- Florin on obtaining the necessary wood. In Vienna, met the colonel-ship official Oberstltd. John Paul Hetzer all the preparations to be able to start at the arrival of the wood in the Arsenal immediately with the construction.
officers and enlisted men were recruited in Hamburg, including the Danish Kapia Schwender man who later became the emperor appointed Commodore. Vice Admiral Pieter was appointed by Anderson. On July 15, was the consecration of 7 (not yet finished) ships by the Bishop of Vienna Graf Kollonitsch instead.
"There were quite large machines of 33 and 28 shoe shoe length and width were dero special Nimbly and speed geloffen in the Danube, also freely in the enormous water that has been done with peculiar ease up against the current." Populated
the ships were only passing through the Vienna Gate in Hungary, where the guns taken from partially the no longer needed fortresses Komarno, oven, Neuhäusel, Peterwardein and Szegetin and poured into rapidly established foundries, as the ordered pieces of Mariazell and Amsterdam had not yet arrived. "Santa Maria" was at that time in Peterwardein and only came to end Luni fleet. Of the 54 guns were only 26 on board.
was after the fall of the fortress of Belgrade, the ship with the other units from Belgrade. The vehicles were no longer required and desarmiert used without rigging, as the custodian and homeless shelters. After the conclusion of peace they have been disarmed, broken up and sold as firewood.
on After repeated requests from the city of Budapest Danube frigate S. Leopoldus "as a museum and restaurant ship struck Mag Heinz Linner presented a replica of the admiral ship" Santa Maria "as a museum ship in the city of Budapest Location Margaret Island, as the frigate" S. Leopoldus "was already taken. After several Meeting in Budapest later moved the project on time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Side Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy

Bierkasten Musikanlage - Inspiration

few weeks ago I received an E-mail from a Jan Erik from the far north. He wanted to build a box similar to my music and had some questions. I was naturally pleased with him some tips and advice. Now his chest is almost finished (except the paint) and here I have a few pictures of her,