Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Insure A Porshe Cayman

Montag, 31. Mai 2010


Brazil is generally regarded as the largest Catholic country in the world. Thirty years ago were non-Catholics are a tiny minority. Within a generation this has changed dramatically from the perspective of the Vatican's impeccable image.

According to a study from March 2010 are just einma 61% of Brazilians as a Catholic. Decreasing trend. On the stock market, one would say that the downtrend is intact. With a population of just over 190 million, Brazil is so, in Mexico, although still the largest Catholic country. But with this development, there is only a matter of time before this title is lost.

exact figures on religious affiliation are difficult to determine because Brazil, like the vast majority all countries around the world, knows no church tax. As a result, the exodus from the Catholic Church is totally silent accomplished. A formal exit from the church in Germany is not required. As in Germany, including in this country takes only a small minority of the estimated 5% active part in the life of the community.

Financial reasons are not relevant for ensuring that more and more Brazilians return Rome back. If it is not the money, what is it?

The main cause is probably related to Deuschland to search among the growing alienation of the Catholic Church from the reality of life. Who cares really about the Catholic sexual teaching? Who cares what others have to say lonely old men in drag to marriage and family? Church takes place at baptism, at the wedding and the funeral. That's it then already. Closing time. to explain

If these conditions are not yet sufficient, the declining influence of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Brazil, then do the news about sexual Abuse of children and young people by priests in Germany, Ireland, the United States, but in Brazil the rest.

Yes, Brazil is of such a crime not excluding, unfortunately. Nationally known, the case of a priest who abused children in 2001 and 2002 at the age of 13 and 5 (!) Years. 2005 witnessed the process. A judge sent him for almost 15 years behind bars. That's even a word.

A drama that the exodus from the Catholic Church certainly has accelerated in addition, occurred in early 2009 in the area of Recife, in northeastern Brazil. There, a 9-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather. The little girl was pregnant. The doctors saw the pregnancy for this child as a life-threatening risk, and took - thank God - before an abortion. Then, the doctors and the girl's mother - and not the stepfather - Archbishop Jose Cardoso Sobrinho the Lord excommunicated. Whose literal reasons: Abortion is a worse sin than rape.

Papst Benedikt XVI. trägt seinen Teil zum Niedergang bei, indem er Südamerika weitgehend ignoriert. So muss es nicht weiter verwundern, dass die katholische Kirche in Brasilien den Rückwärtsgang eingeschlagen hat. Die Ausnahme, welche die Regel bestätigt, heißt Marcelo Rossi, seines Zeichens ein charismatischer Priester in São Paulo, dessen Gottesdienste von mehreren zehntausend Menschen besucht werden. Doch Marcelo Rossi ist für die meisten Brasilianer weit weg.

Und so hat sich nach der oben zitierten Untersuchung bereits jeder vierte in Brasilien one of the many Protestant churches connected.

in the Brazilian language usage of the term "Igrejas evangélicas", or "Protestant churches", while a distinction in German between "evangelical" and "evangelical". Protestant churches include those religious groups who see themselves in the tradition of the Reformation. Evangelical churches are characterized by high levels of trust in biblical past. This characterization can obviously overlap. Thus belong in Germany as various evangelical churches of the Protestant churches.

In Brazil, "Igrejas evangélicas" are divided by officials in those missionary work which ("Igrejas de missão") and those who are in the Pentecostal movement of their monomer originating have. The first group includes the more traditional Protestants, therefore, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists and batiste.

In the second and much larger Group focus the believers on two heavyweights: the "Assembleia de Deus", the "Assembly of God" and the "Igreja Universal Reino de Deus Thurs," Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. " In addition, there are a huge number of smaller churches, which often are active only in one place.

The great visibility in Campo Grande has - over 50 "branches" - undoubtedly the "Igreja Universal Reino de Deus Thurs," Universal Church of the Empire of God. " The largest gathering place, a temple of colossal proportions in a central location, offers about 4,000 people comfortably.

This church, with its founder and self-appointed Bishop Edir Macedo in the lead, in recent years repeatedly come under criticism for alleged questionable practices in dealing with the faithful and their financial resources. In a secretly filmed video posted on YouTube and Macedo said his staff how they can maintain even in times of crisis, the willingness to donate the faithful.


by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages practiced method to hell and eternal damnation if you do not - by paying a fee - paid for the indulgence of his sins, does not apply in Brazil. Brazilians are not to be motivated by looking at the world beyond threats. Rather, it is the "story" of this church like this: "Dedicate your life to the church, donating hard and plentiful, and your life will change for the better. So if you should you refuse to support with financial contributions from the great work of the church, God will another election, to help. And you're out. If your life this is going down -. You have willed it otherwise "

This video is a former confidant of the church's founder Macedo to speak, which demonstrates that it now would be a matter solely to take the faithful as much money. The church of its own as a lucrative business idea.

On a smaller scale can be found almost around every corner, a local, independent evangelikale Kirche, die dem jeweiligen Pastor dank der Spenden der Gläubigen sein Auskommen sichert.

Die älteste und mit über 8 Millionen zugleich mitgliederstärkste jener Kirchen ist die „Assembleia de Deus“, der brasilianische Ableger der US-amerikanischen „Assembly of God“. Im nächsten Jahr wird es 100 Jahre her sein, dass die ersten US-amerikanischen Missionare auf brasilianischem Boden ihre Gottesversammlungen errichteten. Auch dieser Kirche wird vorgehalten, dass es ihr weniger um das Seelenheil als mehr um den Inhalt des Portmonnaies der Gläubigen gehe, genährt durch Berichte über beachtlichen Reichtum der geistlichen Führer.

All diese kritische Berichterstattung tut dem Erfolg dieser Kirche jedoch keinen Abbruch. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis scheint nämlich darin zu bestehen, dass die Führer der evangelikalen Kirchen erkannt haben, was die Menschen Botschaften hören wollen: Botschaften, welche ihnen helfen, an sich selbst zu glauben. Folgerichtig wird ganz stark mit positivem Denken gearbeitet. „Du kannst das. Du schaffst das. Gott ist mit Dir.“

Now, let's face it: If I have a choice between "If you sin, you will burn in hell!" And "Believe in yourself because God believes in you! You can accomplish great because God intends great with you. "- As I'll decide that? And if it goes ahead in my life by, I believe that this is still well worth a small fee.

The "Igreja Universal" with Brazil far more than 2 million members, takes a year, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Finance about 1.4 Billion reais, up to date about 630 million Euro. That is one part a lot of money. On the other hand, however, per year, however, creditors and power with 300 € rather then just a tip, compared with the German church tax. Reminder: 8% (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria) and 9% (remaining provinces) of income tax.

But then there's that uncomfortable, which is caused by reports like this: In the last week, a distraught mother chained for seven hours, the fence of the "Catedral da Fé ", the" Cathedral of Faith, "the central Temple of "Igreja Universal" here in Campo Grande to protest against the methods of this church. Her 17-year-old son lived for two years only for the church. His work has been stopped to collect money from morning to evening for the church.

this should not obscure the fact that evangelical churches also bring much good in social projects with vulnerable children and young people or even with Indians. As so often in life, even here the picture is not simply black or white, but rich in facets.

And then there are the spiritualists (Espíritas "), that those who invoke spirits to communicate this with the help of a medium. This has only just time to do anything with religion. The Brazilian spiritualists beams are, however, follow the teachings of the Frenchman Allan Kardec, a pupil of the pedagogue Pestalozzi, who in the nineteenth century spiritualist doctrine gave a theoretical foundation. In his book "The Book of Spirits" he answered more than a thousand questions about spirits. More than two million Brazilians are followers of this doctrine, the "Kardecianismus" (Kardecismo "). In many Brazilian cities to find streets named after him ("Rua Allan Kardec").

Kardec, the Christian ethics, especially the Ten Commandments in his spiritualist doctrine integrated. Therefore, the Brazilian spiritualists also understand, as Christians, just stop beyond the Catholic and Protestant denominations. Even here in Campo Grande you will find numerous "Centros Espírita. There, among other spiritualist "operations" carried out to treat physical ailments. It then flows no Blut. Stattdessen werden Geister angerufen, die helfen sollen, die spiritistische Seite des Patienten wieder ins Lot zu bringen, auf dass diese sich heilend auswirke auf die körperliche Verfassung. Hier geht es nun definitv nicht ums Geld. Für derartige Dienstleistungen wird keinerlei Honorar erhoben, lediglich freiwillige Spenden werden akzeptiert.

Wer bei diesem reichhaltigen Glaubensangebot noch immer nicht das Richtige gefunden hat, für den stehen noch ausgewiesene Wunderheiler bereit, wie etwas der selbst ernannte „Apostel“ Valdemiro Santiago, Gründer und Chef der „Weltkirche the power of God "(" Poder de Deus Igreja Mundial Thurs). Some twenty years he was for the above-mentioned "Igreja Universal" before joining in 1998, technically self-employed in faith. His church company now has more than 1,000 stores, so-called temple in the country.

this week he has been invited here in a large park on the outskirts of a "great gathering of faith and miracles." At the invitation poster will be delivered simultaneously with the "proof". A creditor holding up a note and announced that here in our Bundesstaat ein Blinder nun wieder sehen kann. Ein Wunder also. Mit der Rechtschreibung hapert es zwar noch ein bisschen, aber das wird sicher auch noch.

Und die Moral von der Geschicht´? Auch in Brasilien ist es nicht leicht, den richtigen Weg ins Himmelreich zu finden. Ach Gott.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Terminate Pregnancy In Sims 3

Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010


visiting from Germany. Finally. After our return to Germany we will be told yes ask if we have visitors from there. So now we can answer without hesitation, with a "Sure thing! Of course! ". Our friends have taken the long way up. Twelve hours from Frankfurt to Sao Paulo, other half to Campo Grande.

We know how to appreciate both the visit very special. Was it a few days before their departure, the Icelandic volcano cloud the overriding theme. In Germany. A week later, no more cock crows it. Smoke and mirrors.

Before Abreise fragen sie uns, was sie uns denn aus Deutschland mitbringen sollen? Tja, äh, hmm. Ja, eigentlich – danke für das Angebot. Fehlt uns wirklich nichts aus Deutschland? Vor sechs Monaten wäre die hiesige Knoblauchpresse, welche den Knoblauch nur sehr unzureichend zerkleinert, ein Thema gewesen. Inzwischen: Lappalie. Ein Erdinger Weißbier vielleicht! Geht aber nicht. Im Handgepäck nicht erlaubt, im Koffer ein explosives Risiko. Danke, wirklich sehr nett, wir haben hier wirklich alles.

Natürlich wollen wir unseren Freunden das Beste zeigen, was die Gegend hier zu bieten hat. Wir nutzen die Gelegenheit für einen Besuch in Bonito. Das Wort „bonito“ bedeutet „schön“. Und so ist die Gegend um diese Stadt. Ein grandioses Naturparadies, gesegnet mit zahlreichen fischreichen Flüssen voller kristallklaren Wassers, verschwenderisch ausgestattet mit unzähligen kleineren und größeren Wasserfällen.

Dieses touristische Ziel ist sehr gut erschlossen – in ökologischer und nachhaltiger Weise, wie stets betont wird – und in ganz Brasilien bekannt. In der Hauptreisezeit, also im Dezember und Januar, müssen the Brazilian reserve well in advance, even if this actually runs counter to its spontaneity. Not only do hotel or pousada be posted, but also the desired "Passeios", the excursions and activities that you want to do there. And there are many. Walking, swimming, swimming, horse riding, cave visits with or without abseiling etc.

The number of participants per activity per day is limited. Result of an agreement between the local suppliers, the City Council and the Environment Agency. The tourist and the tourist will be fully with maps and information material provided, so that he or she knows what he or she expected. A handful of agencies ("Agências") handle the booking. They ensure that their customers are at the right time with the right equipment at the right place.

yet but we have 300 km to go. The calendar shows unmistakably autumn. This fact has the consequence that by 6 clock at night is already dark. Really dark. Stock darkness. Raven black. About this time you will then be happy to have arrived. We urge the rapid departure, have returned as our children from school. Already half past one. This is in short supply.

for three hundred kilometers, we have estimated four and a half hours. 75 km / h on average plus a half hour break Sidrolândia. There are in fact a very good "Pão de Queijo". This must take it easy.

"Pão de Queijo" literally means "cheese bread". This literal translation is in no way suitable, the irresistible appeal of the Brazilian delicacy also be described only approximately. A good "Pão de Queijo" can make one forget feeling low with a single bite. The well-being, which occurs after its consumption, is unique. The "Pão de Queijo" is originally from Minas Gerais, but is now known throughout Brazil and popular. Here in Mato Grosso do Sul, border region with Paraguay, is the variant called "Chipa" is widespread. The difference is less in the taste as more in the mold. while "Pão de Queijo" in rounded form ("cheese balls") is prepared, comes the "Chipa" in Gestalt eines Hufeisens daher.

Also Halt in Sidrolândia. Wir versorgen uns mit den kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten. Zum Mitnehmen. Weiter geht’s. Die Sonne senkt sich schnell. Das Abendlicht hat einen ganz besonderen Reiz. Die Landschaft strahlt plötzlich ganz intensiv. Wir aber sind erfahren und kennen diesen Trick. In Wirklichkeit heißt das, dass es ruckzuck dunkel wird. Erfahrung zahlt sich auch. Wir geben Gas. Das heißt Alkohol. Die umweltfreundliche Alternative zu Benzin.

Wir schaffen es nicht ganz. Die letzte halbe Stunde des Weges tappen bzw. fahren wir im Dunkeln. Vergeben und vergessen, als wir unsere Pousada erreichen. Ein großzügiges Ambiente mit einer schnellen Erholungsrate. Schwimmbad, Fischteich, Tennisplätze, Fitnessgeräte. „Recanto dos Pássaros“, „Eine Rückzugsecke für Vögel“, so der Name unserer Pousada.

Unsere Gastgeber heißen Oshiro und Shizuru. Japanische Einwanderer gibt es ja viele in Brasilien. Die Besitzer unserer Pousada sprechen even Japanese. He, Oshiro, grew up in Brazil, then went back to Japan, married his wife Shizuru and convinced them they would trade the narrowness of Japan to the vastness of Brazil. She followed him. Ten years ago they opened their Pousada Bonito. And are still there.

received us with the possibly unique warmth that springs from the mix of Brazilian and Japanese mentality.

The Pousada is located off the main road, But why has a much larger area. Larger rooms, large parking, a fish pond, two tennis courts. It fits. We stay and feel comfortable.

The call for dinner loud. As people around the world, the restaurant on the main road to advertise particularly intense and colorful pregnant for their services. However, it draws me into the less illuminated side streets. On our first visit, in late 2008, there was a family restaurant where we have two very well fed. I will at least know whether this kind of quality will endure.

you have. The restaurant "Tempero Bom" ("Good spice") still exists. A menu is not. What for? There is nothing to select. The host offers a meal. Either we accept it - or not. He readily gives information about the offer that evening. We stay. The food consisting of rice, beans, grilled meat, pasta and salad leaves nothing to be desired.

Our host disclosed on demand, that he formerly worked as an engineer and built bridges. Eventually, however, he followed his wife in the desire to open his own restaurant. "O amor é lindo." Say to the Brazilians. "Love is wonderful."

The Southern Cross is on this evening to identify particularly good. No cloud obscures the starry sky. That looks good, even very good for our project the next day.

breakfast at seven clock. The breakfast buffet spreads large variety of items from in front of our eyes and taste buds. Only fruits and various fresh-squeezed juices, then pastries, followed by scrambled eggs. Or is it in reverse order? Decisions with which everyone is left alone. As a result, we are all, regardless of the order of consumption, well fed and in high spirits for the company of the day.

Estancia Mimosa "is our goal . It is a distance about 10 km 2 large estate, some 25 km from the town of Bonito. Since the road is not paved, we must expect a good half hour drive. Previously, we have to buy a Agência "nor the tickets. At 9 we are expected to clock at the destination.

We create. We used to be greeted warmly and invited first of all for coffee and cake. A second breakfast. Can not hurt. An elderly couple from Porto Alegre, the southernmost large city in Brazil, joins us. Behold, he speaks German. Time was working for Siemens in Karlsruhe. Many years ago. 1958th

Our guide (guia) called Wagner agrees ourselves to what is coming. A walk through the forest, always in the vicinity of the "Rio Mimoso. We should get a total of eight waterfalls to see. Five of them with bathing, three only to look at ("contemplação"). In other words, equal time to strip swimwear, this - becoming a little, but extremely useful - shoes, used as the divers. A concession to the rocky and sometimes sharp-edged surfaces. Bring it on.

We are very lucky with the weather. Blue skies, bright sunshine - the best autumn weather, an estimated 30 degrees. The first waterfall is not long in coming. A "hands-on". What are we waiting for. Well, the water is fresh. An estimated 23 degrees. The pleasure is undimmed. About 25 meters to overcome floating to the waterfall (Cachoeira).

A delicious treat. The fresh, clear water is a boon. The waterfall is reached quickly. Sufferers are back in a natural and gentle way massaged by cascading waters and revitalized. Behind the curtain of water lies a small cave. The exchange shoes prove to be extremely helpful on the rocky ground. So it can go.

And it goes on. A waterfall beautiful than the other - of intoxicating beauty in the truest sense of the word. At one point, can the daring plunge of six meters in depth. Adequate water depth guarantees.

by Wagner, we learn that the property about ten years ago changed hands. The previous owner tried to make the wide wood from the trees into cash. The current owners however, recognized the opportunities of tourism. Success came on. The yield is larger by far and is still flowing to the long term. Tourists to grow faster than trees.

Again, the number of visitors is limited. Daily maximum of 12 groups will receive a maximum of 12 participants. How nice that the reason provided through the desire for quick profit.

After about three hours hiking and swimming are all happy and ready for a hearty lunch ("almoço). Included. An overflowing buffet with everything to offer the region, already waiting for us. And that's pretty much. Meat from beef, pork, lamb, poultry, rice and beans, salads and about a dozen different desserts. Our host is my very good to us. At the end of the meal I recorded this slight melancholy resulting from the bitter realization that I am not able to eat anymore.

After such a sensory experience you need rest, to let all these many impressions effect on you. The hammock is the perfect spot. Also do forces are collected for the project in the evening, "Projeto Jibóia.

Henrique hails from São Paulo, for a time tingelte through the world survived, including the U.S., Germany and Australia. In Berlin, he hired himself as an entertainer in S-and U-Bahn, in Australia, he discovered his passion: snakes. His mission: to take the people of their irrational fear of snakes. While in the mythology of the Indians, the snake is often revered as a deity, it symbolizes all that is evil in the Christian.

"Jibóia" ist der brasilianische Name für die Boa Constrictor, auch Königsschlange genannt, eine Würgeschlange, welche in weiten Teilen Lateinamerikas anzutreffen ist. Henrique bietet seinen Besuchern die Möglichkeit, diese elegante Tier aus nächster Nähe kennen zu lernen. Er legt ihnen dar, dass Menschen in dessen Speisekarte keinen Platz haben. Lässig legt er sich und seinen Gästen eine anderthalb Meter lange Boa um den Hals. Das Tier lässt dies mit sich geschehen, macht einen gelangweilten Eindruck.

Dies ändert sich schlagartig, als es zur Fütterung kommt. Das Opfer, eine Maus, wird blitzschnell strangled. The pressure is metered doing so. The bones of the victim to remain quite. Splintered bones can cause the snake internal injuries. Henrique has not got much to do, but are still a lot of snakes killed out of fear. We wish him continued success with his project.

The list of attractions in Bonito is long. Among these are spectacular activities such as abseiling down a well 70 meters deep lake located in a cave. Adrenaline guaranteed. Another time perhaps.

We decide to visit the "Balneario Municipal Rio Formoso", the "urban spa" at the Rio Formoso. There is no swimming pool. The bather plunges rather in the Rio Formoso and is surrounded by numerous fish, floating in the crystal clear water. For a small fee you can borrow a life jacket and to help reduce the required physical exertion to a minimum. An unspectacular but fun sport.

Our visit in bonito geht zu Ende. Ein herrliches Fleckchen Erde. Wir kommen wieder. Ganz bestimmt. Irgendwann.


we could in Bonito still enjoy bright sunshine and temperatures around 30 degrees, then a good week, later changed the picture dramatically. No sooner had our visit started the return journey, took possession of a cold front of us. This was not by design. Brazil has to be kindly sunny and warm. Throughout the year, please. Not likely. This morning keeps Campo Grande intra-Brazilian record low of 8 degrees Celsius. During the day it will be just 16 degrees. Fortunately keeps this cool weather did not last long. In a few days to come back with 28 degree tropical normality.